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So, I had an unfortunate encounter with some bad takeout Monday night. It had...well, the predictable gastrointestinal effects. Unfortunately, despite my best efforts, that also came with enough dehydration to trigger migraines. So, that's how I spent my time yesterday and most of today. Needless to say, that was not how I planned on wrapping up my break between volumes. 

I do seem to be past the worst of it and fresh content should start appearing again in the next 12 hours or so. So, that's the update. 



Hope you feel better ! I don't know if you saw someone about those migraines but probably should though (sorry if I'm overstepping).


First of, I wish you a speedy recovery. For future situations like these, I would ask you though to not give a time estimation if you are not 100% certain you can keep it. Would rather just have known: oh hes sick, content will resume once hes better, instead of awaiting it for last 5 hours and being disappointed. No blame, just think its better to not give time estimates in these situations. Once again, best wishes :)