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So, today wasn't a good time. My back is hurting. I think I may have twisted wrong on the ice last night and pulled a muscle a bit. And I had a migraine... Although, I'm not sure why this time. I took something for the migraine, and it seems to be fading. Some over-the-counter medication seems to have taken the worst edges off the back pain. All in all, though, I feel pretty wrung out mentally. Pain and structured creativity generally do not go hand-in-hand for me. I'm going to give it an hour and see if I feel any less like a piece of overcooked pasta. If I am feeling a little better, I may try to write a chapter, but I'm not feeling hopeful about it. I just didn't want all of you to waste a lot of time refreshing this page. I will try to throw out a couple of bonus chapters in the coming week or so as a thanks for your patience.


Mathias Eriksson

Take care of your health! that also means we get more chapters in the long run :D


Speaking as a person who has broken their spine and deals with back problems daily, I can say with full confidence that back issues are the total worst! Coupled with migraines that sounds like just an awful awful time. There will be time for chapters when you’re better! Sending healing vibes and hope you feel well soon 💪👍