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Okay, so I'll admit that I'm generally not big on crowds...or noise...or bright lights... But, in the service of promoting my books, I will make the ultimate sacrifice (🤣) and deal with all of those things to attend Dragon Con this year. At this point, I'm still just attending. I assume that my publisher will want me to do things like... I don't know... sign books at a table or be on panels or something, but none of that is solidified yet. So, until we do get those details squared away, if you're there, you'll just have to sort of hope to run into me. But I will be there, no doubt hiding in dark corners and stalking the authors that I like in the hope of getting something signed. Needless to say, those days will almost certainly be busy/bordering on insanity. So, from August 28 to Sept 3, you should plan on a chapters blackout. I will, however, try to do some updates from the belly of the convention beast.

Now, for anyone who was thinking about going but hasn't decided yet, you should decide soon. While tickets to the convention itself will likely be available right up until the last minute, nearby hotel rooms will not. When I went to book a room, there were none left at the primary hotels that host the convention. At least, there were no single rooms. I'm lazy and don't want to drive more than absolutely necessary in Atlanta, because it's been a terrible place to drive every time I've been there. So, I booked a room as close as I could get, and it was expensive. The closer we get to the actual day of the convention, the fewer rooms will be available (they'll probably just get more expensive, too) and the farther from downtown you'll need to be. Which will mean taking cabs or buses or subways or locking in a rideshare or other things that are not fun just to get to the convention. Forewarned is forearmed.



I'm really tempted to go with all my signed books just to get the authors to sign them again

Daniel McConville

I hope you have an amazing time. The idea of being around thousands of people horrifies me, but I hope you survive it.