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Okay. So a few updates on various and sundry items of interest and non-interest.

First up, Volume 2 did well during it's first two weeks up on Amazon. Like exceedingly well. Which is just awesome! It's currently sitting pretty at about 572 overall in the Kindle store and is still #1 in Asian Myths & Legends, as well as Asian Myths & Legends Ebooks... Yeah, I don't know why that's two separate categories, either, but I'm good with it. The 'Zon does as the 'Zon wills.

Volume 1 continues to do well. It's currently holding at 827 overall in the Kindle store and is #3 in Asian Myths & Legends. Not bad at all for a book that came out in December.

My break is semi-officially over, but I have adulting things that I have to do today that I couldn't get done yesterday. Things that literally require me to physically go and be places and talk with people. So, there may only be one chapter of volume 8 today, but there will be at least one chapter.

(This ends the publishing, Unintended Cultivator news. Everything beyond here is just for people who are vaguely interested in what my personal life looks like.)

So, in a bid to not spend every waking minute of my life sitting in front of a screen, and to get more exercise into my week, and to force me to pay attention to what day it is, and make me occasionally interact with other human beings in a real life, non-work context, I signed up for what amounts to an Ice Skating for Dummies class. The first class was last Monday, and I fell down a lot. I mean, A LOT. So many times that I was sore and aching for three days afterward. I suspect that there is very embarrassing video out there of me falling down and flopping around on the ice like a wounded fish.

Class 2 was last night. I'm happy to report that with a few minor adjustments...skates that fit correctly, mostly...I spent the class actually learning about ice skating, instead of falling down 30 times. That means that I have largely progressed from being a physical peril to everyone on the ice with me to mostly being a peril only to myself. I only fell down once during the whole class. Yay progress!

Not-So-Pro Tip: If you decide to take up ice skating, make sure that you get skates that fit snugly. Skates are not like shoes. Close-ish is not good enough. Also, skate sizes don't really line up with shoe sizes. Don't be like me during your first class. Try on different skates until you find ones that fit right. Properly sized and laced skates provide you with a TON of ankle support, which goes a long way toward improving your balance and keeping you stabilized on the ice. That's my two cents, anyway. Your mileage may vary.


Bunny Waffles

Did you bruise your coccyx? I hear that is a common issue.

Chris Robertson

As some who also spends waaaay too much time behind a computer either working or "working" (aka Youtube videos that are vaguely, mildly educational) don't be afraid of a sit/stand desk and either a walking treadmill or roll away bike. Or even just having something like that next to your desk if you have room. I've rotated through all three since Covid and it notable helps keep me mentally sharp/awake.


Room is the problem. I have a treadmill, but I have to stow it away in an inconvenient place or it eats up too much room in my ridiculously tiny apartment. My current desk is big, sturdy thing, but it's not a good fit for even a portable standing desk. It's got to an upper cabinet component that would interfere. Plus, I hate standing around. I spent years working in the service industry, which meant standing all the time. With any luck, I'll be moving into a bigger apartment this summer, which will make using my treadmill a damn sight easier. In the meantime, I'll just do my ice skating class, and keep parking way the hell out in the far reaches of parking lots, to get some extra walking and cardio into my week.