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This will be the best session in your Starter Set campaign. This module is a step-by-step guide for running an important scene, in which the villain of our story parleys with the party for the Mysterious Puzzle Box. The goal of this scene is to ignite that all-important rivalry between the players and the villain. Before running this module, the party should have already met the villain in town, established a relationship and arranged to trade for the Mysterious Puzzle Box. While the player characters could ask for anything in the trade (and she will promise to give anything to the party, regardless of whether she can actually follow through on that promise), this module is written with the assumption that they asked to trade for their kidnapped friend.
In our pursuit to stoke this rivalry between the party and our villain, we have to remember the she is not evil for evil’s sake. Instead, she’s cunning and strategic, motivated by her conviction. She isn’t attacking the party just because she wants to kill them. Through the lens of her cold pragmatism, she sees the party as a volatile quantity in her machinations, and the best way for her to eliminate the risk they pose is to kill them. But we don’t want her to be so instantly dislikable that the PCs attack her instantly. 

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