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Open-world sandboxes can feel overwhelming to run. This supplement explains how to condense sprawling sandbox segments into an abstract structure called the Montage Dungeon. If you’re a hard-line stickler for story fidelity, rules-as-written and preserving the pace of the official module, you will absolutely hate this. But for those of you brave enough to let go of the safe, hard-cover handrail, we’re going to explore some rad options by kickflipping over the trickiest section of this adventure.

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Just ran this with my players, added some additional encounters scattered throughout Chapter 3, they absolutely loved this - if communicated properly to the players the whole concept works perfectly. Without this, i would have made the "The party learns to fly" a two-session chapter, one with the introduction to the city and one for a huge combat with massive mini-prep, and of course an obligatory travel session so i know what exactly to prep. This way i was able to streamline it simply as - "City Description" - "Players question some Trade fractions in the city hall about the Giant Threat" - "Giants attack" - "Tension-Building combat-prep scene with city recruits" - "Epic Attack on Titan-knockoff with plenty of character moments and a few dex-saves for the PCs without Flying experience" It got even my most quiet players in Roleplaying-Mood, because they were in charge of defining when, and how they act their scenes out, instead of letting the RP-strongest Player speak for them like usually. Will soon run a part 2 with more scenes added (We couldnt quite make it to the eye of the allfather in that time)

Jonas Berggren

Hi SOOC. Nice of you to share, sounds good that it worked out well. I am about to do the same but is not sure it will be smooth with my grumpy gang (said with love), About your comment that usualy the RP-strongest is speaking up for all, I have introduced a "spotligt". With that I (GM) prepares in advance the session with some "manusscript" with one of the players in "spotlight". Kind of as in tv-series theis one episode is in the perspective of one of the sidekicks and not the usually hero. This has really worked out well (so far) and accepted by the gang. I haven´t done any spectacular, kind of letting having the Spotlight-player have the killing blow of the enemy or coming up with the bright idea that put them on track again (the last one is a bit tricky but fortunatley my gang is a bit gullible :) ). I would appriciate if you could share some more insight of your session of ch3 with Montage Dungeons.