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Every combat encounter can be its own story—a tale with its own heroes and villains, its own tension and plot. And like any good story, a good combat can be ruined by poor pacing. When combat has too many combatants taking too many turns, it can slow the whole session down into a slog, and allied nonplayer characters (NPCs) can exacerbate that problem.

The rules here model a new, faster way to include such NPC allies. These battle companions’ abstract mechanics keep them from slowing the action, while their radical-and-daring (RAD) features make combat fun without unbalancing the conflict or taking the spotlight from the players.

This is the core rules of the battle companion system and a few samples of some RAD features. This pared-down version is publicly available, but if you're interested in seeing the full version, please consider becoming a patron. The full version is available here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/50409192

You can find all the SKT video guides here.

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