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Hey everyone!

I got bit by some crazy bug last night which compelled me to change everything. It's been on my to-do list for MONTHS to revamp how Patreon PDFs look and my general aesthetic across every platform. I'm really just playing around without locking anything in yet, but there are a few things I'm happy with here —  namely the fonts and this awful lime green highlight.

I think the general direction is to go less black-and-white, messy ink splotch style, and instead lean into something very vibrant. So I started the redesign this weekend and am going to keep plugging away over the next few weeks with the goal of have a new aesthetic by the time the Storm King's Thunder videos come out.

Here's where I'm at right now with a revamp of the all the one-page adventures I've made so far. All the text is unchanged; it's just the style that have been updated.

Part of the reason I'm doing this is because I think these resources I make should look better. I want to provide a better product and better value. Once I land on an aesthetic, I'm planning to revamp and update all the LMOP resources to they look more professional and are branded more consistently to wherever I end up.

(And I'm totally open to thoughts, comments, criticism, questions about these new styles.)

Chers everyone!



Matthew Waddoups

Love the style of this, it has a nicer feel / enriched vibe to it :)

Matthew Perkins

Glad you like it! It's only a first crack at it, and I need to work out a few more fancy things during the week before I can lock anything in, but I'm happy this as a starting point. I want to set it up in a way where I can run some code to convert it to a no-frills version for printing black-and-white automatically too.