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This week's video is all about the Triboar Trail and the sidequests therein, within, about and around. And also beside.

This includes a little cheat sheet for how I would turn the encounter with Agatha the Banshee into a skill challenge, and how I would transform that combat with eight zombies at Old Owl Well into a fight against the Necromancer and a single Zombie Gundam. 

I'm learning something about my workflow with this series, I tells ya — it's not good! There is no wiggle room for having an off day. Don't feel the energy to edit? Get hit with an internet outage? It just takes a few hiccoughs to delay a video by a day, these handouts by half a week. These long videos are a whole 'nother beast!

I've got to sit down and have a big think before I start another string of 20-minute+ videos.

You can find all the LMoP video guides here.

You can find all the other MPDM Patreon posts about LMoP here.



Paul Werner

Used your skill challenge guide with the Banshee (in full disclosure used quite a bit of your LMOP content). My party of four (3 first timers) got into the RP aspect and I pivoted it into a woman who tried to perform a ritual to save her husband. It was beyond her abilities but he was dying. The ritual failed and it killed him. The skill challenge was them helping her come to terms with it. There were tears. There was character growth. It was awesome

Jay Gattis

Thanks for these. I had the Black Spider intervene to help the party escape from a Redbrand ambush, they detected her deception so she used Darkness to escape from them and cast Suggestion on the party member most opposed to the Gundren for the Puzzle Box deal and he failed save so he became a big booster of the trade. Sildar had the puzzle box but was murdered by the Glasstaff. He hid it so the characters needed Sister G to speak with the dead but she was newly possessed by Agatha so the party had to perform an exorcism (Religion check to figure that out) which was your 6 skill challenge (grapple, acrobatics, history, insight and persuasion/intimidation); then when the party went to the graveyard to recover his body, the graves had been robbed (by the Thayan), they followed the trail and after a 2hr run they literally ran into the zombies (failed perception with -5 for fast traveling to catch up). They negotiated with the Thayan after a brief zombie fight. And secured the release of Sildar's body in return for owing the Thayan a favor (only bc I failed to plan ahead to have them get the spellbook from Agatha for him or to fight the bandits for him and they were on a timeline for meeting Black Spider (BS) that night). They had split the party and half stayed in town to investigate where Sildar might have hidden the puzzle box. They noted mold/fungus smeared all over on sildars cloak hanging on his door in his room, like he'd slid down a wet wall. They headed to the river and on their way I pointed out a cobblestone well with bucket and rope. duh. They had to make acrobatics checks (adv for rope) and dex saves (when they fell). Took some damage. Passed a DC 18 investigation check to find the puzzle box behind a stone above head level from the bottom of the well. (I was nice and didn't put a monster in the well) - slime anyone? So lol when the other characters returned with Sildars body (3 hrs running back carrying a dead body) and the other players had found the puzzle box already.