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Hey all! I'm dealing with a troublesome RSI right now and I need to take time off my art side of things to rest and heal so I am probably going to do some catching up on pose ref work.

Fortunately modelling doesn't really anger the thumbs too much so I'm probably going to do at least one or two shoots this week to catch up on requests, maybe make some new packs, and yay! do some new video refs!

Here's my ideas list for videos. Let me know if there's anything you think I should add. 👀

Also: how often do you use the video refs? I love making them and I think they're really cool for getting those 'in between' poses. Do you all find yourself checking them out for inspiration? 

Video Ideas:

  • high and low angle 360° turnarounds (tell me your theme ideas for these!)
  • dual sword
  • more staff (honestly can never get enough staff)
  • sad 
  • crossbow
  • O R B
  • dramatic reaching
  • holding a lantern
  • something with a floofy dress and a big fan

I have made a wish list of models I'd like to hire this year. I wont get them all but I didn't add much new last year so I'm crossing my fingers this year things will pan out better. 

Already got a BFF Twink on board for a shoot later in the spring and I'm in touch with a local martial arts place. I'm seriously considering putting up a call for models at the senior center... 🤔 And I have a young, fit motorcycle rider that I'm hoping to visit this month for a shoot with one of his bikes. It's in storage for the winter so we will need to be creative with our imaginations but I think it will be REALLY cool. 

My web site has been uh, in a tough way lately. I'm sorry if any of you are experiencing problems with it. There's a long backstory here about my Social Media Management company and I having a really messy breakup involving lawyers. If you're noticing a lot less of my accounts sharing and interacting on socials that is also tied in with this issue.

Suffice to say it's been a huge issue and I'm hoping that by April this will all be behind me and I can focus on getting the site some attention and ramping up my socials again. 😭✌🏻 

I recently got waitlisted for Anime Boston so if you were hoping to catch me there it's looking unlikely. I have applied for Anime Expo but the chances of me getting into that event are also exceedingly low. At this point it's looking like I will be doing just a few small local shows this year and focusing mainly again with online events for art.

I am very eager to restock The Handy Hand Book and I have my fingers crossed that I will be able to do so this spring. I know that I don't have to tell you all how rough things have been financially the past few months especially. You all here on Patreon are my primary support for my full time model/art work and I cannot thank you enough for sticking around. Seeing sales drop across the board has been frustrating but I am making the shifts needed to keep on keeping on and I will just continue to do my best. 😁

I could go on and on about future plans but I will leave it at that for now. Looking forward to hearing your video suggestions!! 🎥


Numen Skog

i use the video for lighting/rendering! So holding light/lamps or with some dramatic lighting could be cool! I'm pretty excited about some of the refs you are planning (the combat-y, the hourglass, the oldies! Those would be great for me!) so keep doing the good work here! :D

Nathaniel Lawson

I would love some more video references from a variety of angles (higher and lower), as well as some more reference sheet poses. Something maybe with a bit more of a casual stance and less of a stiff T-posing sort of poses. :)


Thanks!! I def want to do more character sheet stuff in the future, that was such a fun project