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Patreon gave me Collections today! It's a new section of my page where I can group posts together into themes.

Right now I have the themed packs and the free posts collected. Before they were tags. I'm hoping this means tags will become more of a background thing (and that search will finally be improved??? it's SO BAD)

Let me know your thoughts on Collections? Should I move all the major tags into these little visual folders? Does each model need a folder? I'm working with my team on what I should do with this new section so let me know your ideas, too! 



It's not available in the app. Good job, patreon 🙄 Hopefully it will be available soon


of course 💀 Do you always access Patreon through the app? Does it let you download ZIPs?


if you havent already, maybe another good collection would be the monthly pose sets? like the ones like "8 pose references for september 2023" and others??


yeah! any section of the Master Post could become a collection. That's probably a good place to start.