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Keywords: pokemon pokeball trainer catch em all zentai high perspective cute dynamic playful 



Britt Monday

You sure know your audience, thank you as always!! Did you make that pokeball?


I didn't! I have no crochet skills lol I am pretty sure I bought it at a con but unfortunately I can't remember the maker T_T


I discovered you years ago on deviantart and actually learned what a stock model was bc of you and your team. You lot really know your material, what we artists want as far as gesture, the mapping lines (the zentai suit and even early on, you used certain clothing and hair ties on your wrists, etc. which I found impressive) and the huge variant of people you have on your team. Are any of you artists too?


That's so exciting! Yes I started doing pose reference for my own art. Though I burned out pretty badly and haven't drawn in like three years, I still hope I will get back to it someday. Most of my models are friends of mine or people I've met through friends and a lot of them are creative in some way either artists, photographers, musicians, or just huge nerds haha