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Lil rambling post to keep you all updated on my current and future plans. :3

After falling significantly behind on pose reference work in Q1 due to various factors (illness, Anime Boston, etc) I am back on task this week with the rest of May posts scheduled. I will continue to work on scheduling to try and give myself as much of a buffer as I can so I can bounce back to my art obligations.

New free poses are being hosted on AdorkaStock.com instead of DeviantArt and you can check out the beta gallery now. New poses are coming every MWF and you can sign up to get emailed weekly or monthly pose digests right there on the page. The categories are kind of a WIP and we don't have search fully functional yet but baby steps, it's coming. 

Draw Everything June will also be hosted on my site this year. It will be more or less the same as past years except this year it is not hosted on DA, entry is via Google Form, and everyone's getting the same prize (a random pose pack). Art can be shared on any platform with the hash #DrawEverythingJune2023 and I will be highlighting and featuring posts here and there.

I had to streamline it quite a bit; I hope that people enjoy the challenge! Patrons will be getting advanced access to all 22 references for DEJ on May 15th. 🌟 Please do not post any of the art made from the images or the images themselves until they appear in the public gallery page (coming soon!). 

I am doing a little more with YouTube these days. I don't know for how long or how much I will build it up, but you can check out my intro and my videos. If you use YT please subscribe to me. :) Patrons are going to get videos first then, instead of going to Ko-fi after, I will be moving old videos to YT. 

I have a bunch of ideas for future videos but if you have some suggestions feel free to let me know! 

Current plans for new model shoots are a little vague. I've reached out to a few really cool new people but we've had scheduling issues. Still hoping to have a buff lady model and some older models join me this year. I've been trying to network with dancers and more people trained in martial arts. A lot of time I'm just going to be working with me but I will do my best with that.

Null-entity has been bugging me to set up another large group photoshoot which I would really like to do if I can carve out the time to plan something that big. 😬 Klaus is interested in coming back especially to do a shoot with his motorcycle. I also want to have V back for some wing poses. What types of models would be really helpful to you? Let me know because this is always sort of an open attempt on my part. 

New merchandise is currently on hold but I do have some new stuff in mind. I'd like to take some of the images from The Handy Hand Book and The Fancy Foot Book and turn them into card decks. It would be cool to do a deck that's all male poses since both The High & Low Perspective Deck and PoseMuse Collab Deck have featured me. And a Pairs Deck or something similar would also be neat, though that might be better served as a small book. I hate inventory so I don't want to have too many physical things in stock. I might look into some print on demand stuff for future books. 

I think that's everything right now! Hope you all have a lovely May (or if you're doing it - a lovely MerMay!). Happy drawing. ♥

Here's the coolest post from the shoot I did yesterday. I set up two new packs from this shoot: Dynamic Magic Pack and the Laugh Pack. Look forward to those... someday! 



How does one possibly become a model for you? Out of curiousity.

Tinidril - Yvan Strong

I'm pretty sure I subscribed to the new website email list... but I'm not sure about whether I have an "account" there.... I save passwords when I sign up for accounts, but I don't have anything for "adorkastock.com". Is account creation actually available yet?


If you want to make an account you can do so through my sketch app: adorkastock.com/sketch It will let you save favorites and keep track of how much you're drawing. :D