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This past week I had a shoot with my new model, Lauren Ashley. We were introduced through our mutual friend, NyxNaiaStock.

It was a fantastic nearly two hour shoot and we took over 700 photos. In the next few weeks I will be going through everything and making them into packs but I wanted to give you a quick intro post (and a few bonus poses!) now.

I'm super excited about this shoot - Lauren Ashley is a fantastic model and we had an amazing time together. We're both really looking forward to seeing the art made from her poses.

Please look forward to seeing more soon. ♥

Keywords: floating flying float fly perspective back ax laying lay belly stomach ground floor feet up cute playful flirty flirt kick leg magical girl behind shoulders fat reach reaching sit sitting profile staff cashing spell spellcaster lean leaning angelic angel 




Wow this model has some amazing poses. Really lovely