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The Bronze, Silver and Gold Star uploads have all been sent! Thanks for your support this month! (ノ゚▽゚)ノ~~~~♥

If you cannot access the files for some reason, please let me know ASAP so I can help.

I wasn't able to secure the three model shoot in February, but we are going to try to reschedule for April. In March, I will be at two conventions: Queen City Kamikaze (a one day show at Manchester Memorial High School in Manchester, NH) and Anime Boston in the Artist Alley!

The March shoot will be late in the month so I might try to get outside!

Meanwhile, there will be a one week delay on the new SenshiStock.com themed pack due to the turnaround falling on the weekend I'm at AB. A new pack will go live on the site on the first weekend of April, but I plan to try to set it all up in the weekend between the two conventions so I can get it out to Patrons in March. Look for that around the weekend of the 19th!

What will the new pack be? Well, Princess Rowena Pack is the next to expire. Options for the new pack include: Little Big Pack, Desk Pack, or Doorway Pack. Check the image for this post for a little peek at each and let me know if you have a preference.

Happy drawing!




defos little or desk