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Hey all! Here's King Klous. He's lovely, right? Can't wait to share more of him with you. He and his wife came over right before all the COVID-19 stuff got bad in my area, so I'm really happy we fit that in before this mess.

Like a lot of places, school and most other things are closed down here, so I'm back to mostly full time mom work and also trying to get my paid commissions done and out the door so I can start fleshing out my plan for making up my lost income due to cancelled shows.

I have a buffer of posts scheduled for DA and Patreon, but if I reply slowly to requests and messages, and it stuff comes a little late, it's just going to be a bit choppy for at least a few months. Advanced thanks for sticking around, and for your patience. If you need something urgently for a deadline please make sure I know that and I can act more urgently for you. ♥

In my art life, I'm running my first ever enamel pin Kickstarter so if you are a Sailor Moon fan or know someone who might like these, please check it out or pass it on. Hoping big hopes that campaign will go all the way through my stretch goals and help me make up some lost cash due to AB cancelling.

Got some more stock project in the pipes including another collab card deck with PoseMuse. Of course, you all will have a discounted first dibs on that when I get it. It should be in production in April. Any collab shoots I had planned for later this year are indefinitely on hold until all this *waves hands around* is over.

Be safe, be well, keep drawing. 
