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Hey all! I have a commission to do today so if you back me at $5+, and you have any one model or more-than-one-model-that-can-be-faked poses you need, let me know before 1PM Eastern US time and I will do my best! ♥

For everyone: I have some time this weekend to schedule the archive pulls and other treats for July so if there's something in general you've been hoping to see, let me know and I will try to include it! 

I will be posting some more goodies for you all from the Group Kickstarter, too! If you missed backing the project but still want to grab some pictures from the shoot, there's a pack up now on SenshiStock.com with 200 images! 

Thanks for your support, and happy drawing! 


Nox Aeon

I don't know how to message on here, but I'm a $5 backer and I would like to request lower stance scythe or staff poses. (Preferably scythe!)


Sure! I'll have only my broomstick so you'll be on your own for the blade. Do you have a stick figure or something that can help me understand a bit better? And is the perspective of the camera a low angle looking up or more straight on? 😊

Nox Aeon

I just wanted to tell you my sister and I ordered your $20 Senshi Stock USB and we are just absolutely delighted with how much came on it! It was a worthy investment and thank you and all your staff that do it! You help make art happen! :D