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Hi Patrons!! 

Here's an archive image from the collab with Marcus Ranum. Pew pew!

I also wanted to let you know that Pack Subscribed Patrons ($2.50+) will be getting a new themed pack this weekend! 

I haven't decided the theme yet so let me know if you're super interested in any of the following: spear, hoop, flopping/falling, books, school girl movement. 

I am setting up the Kickstarter Project for the collab shoot with lots of other DA models to launch next Tuesday. The page is still a WIP but if you want a sneak peek of the rewards you can see them on the preview page

Let me know if you have any questions because your feedback will help us get the project launched on time!

We'll be doing some special things for you wonderful Patrons, as well. ♥

In the meantime, happy drawing! 



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