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Hey All! I wanted you to be THE FIRST to know the details about the epic plotting going on in SenshiStockland. 

Currently, I am putting together a Kickstarter campaign to launch in March that will fund a return to Florida for another amazing collaborative shoot with jademacalla! 8D

It's been 6 years since Jade and I got together to do a super amazing collab that resulted in tons of incredible action and drama pose references

This time we're going for bigger is better! We're also going to drag along null-entity and PirateLotus-Stock, too!

Four models and two professional photographers. 

Two days of shoots.

ALL KINDS of neat rewards including (of course) bunches of group poses, an exclusive video meet and greet chat with all of us, and even the chance to come hang out in person! 

And for sure, we will be making some special Patron only stuff for you, too. ;D

Stay tuned to my Facebook and Twitter for more details as the project unrolls. I seriously can't WAIT to make amazing group poses for everyone!! 



Joe Webster

Wow, that sounds epic! Your work with jademac is some of my favorite stock ever.


Outstanding. I'll look forward to seeing the kickstarter when it comes up. You two have worked well together in the past.


Thank you! Yes! I can't WAIT to see what this produces. We have a stretch goal for a fifth model, too! 8D