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DEJ is coming back around again! If you aren't familiar with my month long drawing challenge please check out its homepage on my site for the details. But basically: a pose every weekday for a month and you draw them all. ⭐

Honestly June is gunna be a little nuts with both DEJ and my Pride Fundraiser at the same time BUT HEY - IT'S FINE. Let's just do everything all at the same time, OKAY!? Okay. 😁✨

Here's a ZIP with all the DEJ poses. They will be coming up one at a time on weekdays on AdorkaStock.com but you get a head start! 😉 Happy drawing!

SPECIAL NOTE: You are getting advanced access to the poses because you are a Patron! This gives you extra time to complete the challenge but PLEASE PLEASE do not post your art or the poses online publicly anywhere until they are published on the DEJ page linked above. 
A new pose will be posted every M-F at 6AM Eastern for the month of June.




holy moly, I almost forgot it's almost DEJ time again! Time sure goes by fast... Good luck with the fundraiser as well <3


Ooh, fun! Thanks and good luck on the fundraiser!