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Here's a pile of random unreleased poses! Happy drawing!

Note: Due to how I uploaded these somehow they all ended up with the same file name? 🤔 When you save be sure to add a 1, 2, 3 etc so you don't just overwrite the same file again and again.

Keywords: knife profile consider stare staring at hand pile laying lying floor pair couple bodies jumble approach tease tickle tickling threaten threatening threatened back away couch sit kneel sitting kneeling approach sword attack attacking staff playful cute coy drink drinking listening fall falling Avery Garreth Nova Starlight Rowena Tico Dani AJ




Is it just me? They share the same filename, meaning that unless you notice when you happen to save several for reference, they overwrite eachother. That said thank you!


That's odd! 🤔 But thanks for noticing. Don't think I can change it after the fact so drop a 1, 2, 3 in there while saving?