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Later that evening, when other pleasantries were over, the pair lounged in Wu Ying’s bedroom with trays of purloined dishes, transferred through the simple application of wind and dao inspirations. The pair were now picking at the meals, a light sheen of sweat drying as a breeze cleansed the room of lingering scents.

“Ying…” When Wu Ying looked over, Fa Yuan continued, her voice gentle. “Why did you push things that far?”

“I didn’t…” He frowned, shaking his head. “I didn’t think it would be that easy to break Ah He’s defense. After all, that is part and parcel of his dao, the bearing of burdens and the defense of the innocence. And he did block my attack!”

“Just not when it broke,” Fa Yuan said, frowning. “Why was that, do you think?”

Wu Ying considered, then added. “I think, if I had to guess, it was because he had focused his defense on his palm. He could not meet my attack without doing so, and it weakened the rest of his dao imagery.”

Wu Ying considered his own strength since his step ahead, the way his own energy had increased. He could feel, even now, his Core that had been layered again and again and the Nascent Soul within that, which he knew eventually would break and merge with him at that final step. It was a formless soul, fed with understanding and enlightenment of his journeys, the winds and his experience; but stripped of direction.

The Formless Soul was not like other cultivation methods. It’s goal was to create an immortal receptacle for the existing mortal being. It was for those that did not want to shave away portions of who they were, devoting themselves to the dao conception that would drive them onwards.

It was, also, considered a failed soul cultivation method. While it was possible to nurture a soul within the Core and dantian using the Formless Soul method, the resulting soul could not – generally – withstand the Heavenly Tribulation that resulted upon emergence into his world. Without a thorough dao backing behind it, these souls would crumble and, tied to the human within, send the cultivator to their deaths as well.

Of course, shielded in an immortal body, it made a useful technique for Body Cultivators and one of the major paths towards immortality. There were a number of known Body Cultivators who had trodden this very path, which was why Wu Ying had studied the Formless Soul method.

There were, of course, negatives to it. He had to compress his own dantian and his Core significantly while studying the Formless Soul method to account for his own wind body and wind chi. That had resulted in a more concentrated and layered core than most. While it made him a stronger Core Formation cultivator, it also meant that breaking through when he was to reach the Nascent Soul stage – and then merge it with his Immortal Wind Body – was more difficult.

Perhaps impossible?

In the end, the point was simple – his own strength was significantly higher than any ‘normal’ Core Formation stage cultivator. Stronger than any Nascent Soul cultivator in the beginning stages. Where he stood, Wu Ying could not fully comprehend; but…

“The backlash from my attack; it tore Tou He’s dao defense apart. And that allowed the shards to breakthrough,” Wu Ying said.

“You’re that close then,” Yang Mu said, sadly.

Catching her tone, he frowned. “What is wrong?”

“Just…” She gave him a tired smile. “Will you leave me then, when you ascend?”

“It’s many years yet,” Wu Ying said. “I have to reinforce my Core at least once more, then… I have to settle into this body and understand it fully. And finally, face the final tribulation.”

“And then what?”

“Then?” Wu Ying frowned, surprised. “Then I wait. Or see what aid I might find in the Heavens, for you.”

“For me?” She said, half-amused. “You’d ask the Jade Emperor to aid me?”

“Well, I might perhaps not start with him…” He rolled over, putting his weight against her and rolling her back onto the bed. On top of her, pinning her against the bed gently with his weight, he leaned close so that his gaze could meet hers. “But I’ll do whatever I can to aid you. I’ll wait for you, no matter how long and how many lives.”

His words made Yang Mu’s breath catch and still. He sensed her frozen, his declaration freezing her in place. He understood, for they had not spoken such brash, such upfront words to one another before. To make such a declaration, when they were not even technically married, it was scandalous. Even by the mores of cultivator society which often turned a blind eye to the proper roles and social customs of cultivators, such declarations were only made between those looking to become dual cultivators.

In other words, making such a declaration might as well be a proposal.

Bodies pressed together, he could feel the tension that straightened her body beneath his. Pliant flesh sheathed strong muscles beneath, the silk robe she wore offering little resistance. With a single deep breath, he felt those very same muscles relax, the warmth of recycled breath, the smell of mint and jasmine from her lips and that underlying smell of earth and wood and life that was just hers filling his nose.

He could have picked her out from a dozen, a hundred beauties with his eyes closed; not just from the fierce spiritual aura, the way it sought and found connections with him and the world around; but from the way she smelled, the way her breathing shifted and stilled.

A soul so bright, so perfectly fit with his own that he could not have imagined another. Funny, that wood and wind, farmer and cultivator daughter might find themselves. And how easy it might have been, to miss one another, with but a single decision.

“Why now?” She finally asked, her voice ever so soft, ever so gentle.

Because now I’m worthy. That was the first thought that came to mind, though instinct told him not to say it. No woman wanted to hear the self-depreciating putdown of a too humble man that she loved. After all, she had chosen him; just as he had chosen her.

“The pain is gone, and with that weight released…” Wu Ying smiled a little, shaking his head. “With the weight released, I can fly now. And yet, I do not wish to fly too far or too long. It’s nice – it’s necessary – to wander; but roots are necessary too. And you, my family, this sect – you’re my roots.”

“You’ll have to cut them, when you ascend,” Yang Mu said, flatly. “Isn’t that the way? That ascension requires sacrifice? For the heavens are jealous and require loyalty to them and none other.”

“We already challenge the heavens to ascend, breaking their inviolate rule of mortality. What is one more in that case?” He smiled, pulling back a little to lessen the intensity of their presence. He could feel her shift beneath him, hip pressing against his groin in disappointment as he did so. “And it’s not even one that hasn’t been broken before. The Eight Immortals walk among us on the regular and Guan Yin dallies amongst us, offering comfort and mercy in equal measure where she can.”

“So you’d challenge the very heavens for me?” A smile tugged at her lips, even if her voice was light and teasing. Her bare knee came up between his legs, pressing against the silk-clothed pajama pants he wore, pressure on his thighs and then higher.

“The four heavens and the thousand hells and all the lands in-between.”

“Then you’ll speak with my parents soon, about this, yes?” Her knee moved upwards, resting between his legs. She braced her foot against the bed then, using it to elevate her groin to his and then rolling a little once they were pressed together.

Wu Ying blinked, his attention drawn downwards by the distraction. She kept moving, distracting him, her lower lip caught in her lips.

“You’ll speak with them…”

“I…” He gave his head a little shake, forcing himself to focus. “I said the four heavens and the thousand hells, not them.”

She stopped her teasing then, the lip that she had been biting so distractingly released. An eyebrow arched and then with a minor shift of movement and her hip, she rolled him off her, one hand snaking around his hip as she did so to control the movement. She landed on top him as he came to land on the bed, the winds laughing at his new position.

“Still afraid of my father then? What would the world say.”

“That I am wise beyond my years, to avoid angering him. And more fortunate than any man to have acquired such a prize in you.”

“Sweet words do not rectify frightened actions.”

Their voices were light and teasing through this all, but Wu Ying sobered a moment later. “You know I will. Once I’ve settled matters with the Sect Head.”

“I know.” There was no doubt in her voice, then she bent down and kissed him on the lips. “And for that, you deserve a prize.”

A pause, then she slid downwards, trailing kisses on his bare chest.

And once again, Wu Ying noted how fortunate he was. In her, and the numerous privacy formations in his residence.


Melchisedec Bailey

This feels nice. It's good that Wu Ying finally finds a good girl.

Carlos Mantos

Well, seems like its over. My ship of Fa Yuan and Wu Ying isn't gonna sail now. That means Tou He is going to end up with Fa Yuan instead 😞 I'm disappointed tbh, cause I've always looked at Fa Yuan as the FMC from the start and felt that she could have been a much better partner to Wu Ying than someone who was recently introduced. There'd been hints of development between them in the earlier books when they went looking for a cure for their master and it always felt like Fa Yuan was unconsciously waiting for Wu Ying to mature both in cultivation as well as emotionally and someone who appreciates her not because she's one of the most beautiful fairies, but because of the dao she's taken. Tou He might've done all that for her since they were both in the sect while Wu Ying was still exiled 😔

Gabriel Medeiros

Fa Yuan morphed into Yang Mu in this chapter