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Alright people, you asked for it; here we go.

Throw your suggestions below. There's no voting on this part, because if I'm not inspired; all you will see in the Livestream session is me staring at a blank page going... duh!

Or a really, really short piece of work. 

Which, you know, isn't that interesting.


Comment please. Give as less or as much info as you want. Genre, POV, male/female, concept, a line, whatever.

We're likely going to do this on the 23rd or 24th or maybe the 28th or 29th. Depending on whether I want to try to manage timezones and sleep schedules. We'll worry about that later.

Suggestions. Now!



I'd like to see a short story about Fairy Yang developing and becoming an Elder

Tao Wong

3 more days and then I'll call this a close and figure out when we're doing this. :P