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Wu Ying entered through the main gates, even as Fa Yuan departed his side after offering one last conciliatory smile. He was to enter the main arena itself, to stare up at the Elders who were to judge him. Standing at the gates, waiting his entrance were a pair of cultivators he had never seen before, clad in stylized bright green and blue robes with the sect sigil imprinted on the left chest. Wu Ying regarded the pair and their robes, curiously for this was the first time he had ever seen the robes of a Core disciple.

And Core disciple they must be. He had never sensed such clear and clean energy before, not amongst those who scrambled and strove upwards. These Energy Storage cultivators might have been Core Formation cultivators, so clean was the energy in their aura and such fine control they displayed in keeping it retracted even at his gentle prodding.

“Cultivator Long, you are awaited within,” the guard pulled the door open further, his movement echoed on the other end by his female companion.

Wu Ying inclined his head in thanks and strode within, the shadowed hallway dimly lit by spirit lamps. Surprising the economy taken here, considering the profligate display everywhere else. On the other hand, he did note that the formations carved into the rock itself was activated, blocking the flow of energy from without.

Whispering winds blew along the corridor within, tugging at his robes and pressing them against his body, brushing his skin and sending warm and cold touches against exposed skin. Alongside companionship, it also brought with it hints of those waiting for him, myriad scents both familiar and foreign. The cold, imperiousness of Elder Pang, the familiar meat-stained fire crisped scent of Tou He, pills and flowers from Liu Tsong. Pipe smoke, from an ex-guardian. Cold, bitter metal touched with suppressed rage.

Allies and enemies alike.

Stepping into the arena, clothed feet slipped across fine grained golden sand. He felt the gentle pulse of earth chi within each grain, forming beneath his feet and offering support and traction greater than he would have expected. He could also sense the sturdiness of the element further imbued into each grain, allowing the entire arena to absorb punishment to greater degree than first expected.

The walk through the silent arena to the small stand set in the center was one of the longest Wu Ying had ever experienced. He could have utilized a qinggong method to speed him along the way, but custom required him to walk without such aids. So he walked, slow and steady, step by step.

To take his mind off the trip, he looked around, the winds swirling outwards and bringing with it sand all around. It skittered of protective formations, trapped within the arena now that the doors were closed and the south and eastern winds agitated, creating dust devils all around the arena.

The Elders who sat in the arena above did so in individual boxes. In the East, in the center of the oval arena in the place of honour was the largest such viewing box, thrice the size of the majority of others. Seated in that box was a man Wu Ying had only glimpsed once before, the current Sect Head – Yan Shu Ren.

Young, that was the first impression Wu Ying had of the Sect Head. He looked no older than a forty year old man. Of course, the fact that he was a Nascent Soul cultivator was no surprise. His body thrummed with suppressed water and wood chi, a strange mixture that Wu Ying almost wanted to earmark as cloud.

Next to him, on the level opposite and directly below were the three guardians. Two, Wu Ying had never met. The third, Elder Pang sat in the lowest position of Gate Guardian. After that, spreading outwards on either side of the Shu Ren’s seat were the other heads of the sect, from Elder Khoo of the Outer Sect to Elder Wen as Chief Apothecarist or Elder Ko as Inner Sect Librarian. Some were entirely unfamiliar faces, those closest to the Sect Head in the majority, though Wu Ying knew from being briefed that these were Elders of the Core Sect.

Once the boxes for the Heads of the sect were filled, other Elders, in order of seniority and strength filled in the surroundings. Not that many, in many ways. More than the sect had initially expected when first building and portioning out spaces for the residences though, but this building had been built after that period which was why there was even space for more Elders.

All in, there were over sixty Elders, most in Core Formation cultivators or stronger, who loomed over Wu Ying in their boxes. The stalks and grain of the sect itself.

Wu Ying paused, his mind hiccupping on that fact. It was not a good metaphor, not at all. If anything, it was the children down below who worked in the outer and inner sect who were the sect’s crop. Though, with the way the sect picked winners from the crop, perhaps it was more akin to herdsmen. Farmers, of course, chose the best seeds and plants for their own work; but it was harder and more laborious with rice than with animals.

Foolish thoughts.

Once more, brown eyes searched the surroundings, noting the location of his friends, his enemies. Surprise – mildly – at how close Fa Yuan was. Even more, by Tou He’s presence in the top third. Liu Tsong was further back, in the middle of the pack. And, surprisingly, Yin Xue right there at the end.

The wind kicked up, pushing against his hair, the chill from the early morning sands pulling heat from the air downwards. Crisp, moisture laden morning air, clean and pure in his lungs as he drew a breath.

He had stalled long enough.

Hands together, Wu Ying turned fully to regard the Sect Head. He noticed, idly, Guardian Pang’s lips moving, though it was so slight that he could not read them. Then, he completed his bow. All the way horizontal as befitted the man’s status.

Another bow, significantly higher, for the guardians. He knew his martial sister would have wanted him to bow lower, but he would not do so. He was no plain supplicant. He had his own pride.

And one last bow, for the rest of the Elders. Only a mild one, peer-to-peer.

Let them see his resolve and his belief, let them challenge him.

He was Long Wu Ying, the Verdant Gatherer, Wind Body Cultivator, wielder of Ren, keeper of the Heart of the Jian and Core Formation cultivator. Banished son of the Verdant Green Waters sect.

And he was home. Whether they chose to accept him or not, that would be known today.


“The supplicant has presented himself.” Guardian Pang’s voice rang out across the arena.

Wu Ying’s eyes narrowed, surprised it was him who ran the proceedings. Yet, he chose not to speak. At least he named him supplicant and not defendant. That would have been an even more antagonistic start.

“Cultivator Long Wu Ying of the inner sect, you were banished for your defiance of the will of the sect. Your actions showed a willful disobedience to the rules and customs of the sect, in pursuit of your own selfish desires you dishonored the sect by your actions and saw to the death of a powerful member.” Guardian Pan’s voice carried through the arena and Wu Ying felt a muscle in his jaw jump as his teeth clenched. Yet, he was not given a chance to answer the accusation as the man continued.

“Since then, you have travelled across the kingdoms into barbarian lands and vassal states, mixing with the savages at our borders.” Wu Ying had to exert significant control, not to snort in amusement. It was such beliefs held by those in the surrounding kingdoms that ensured that Nanyue and other border states held such antagonistic views of theirs. “In so doing, you have spread the word of our sect and bore the weight of our reputation on our shoulders. As a representative of our sect to locations unknown, all actions you have taken has reflected upon our sect.”

“This day is a day of judgment and explanation to our sect.”

Guardian Pang’s voice rolled out at the last sentence, a rumbling judgment that rolled the air and kicked up sand in the arena. His friends reacted in a variety of manners. Fa Yuan was impassive, Tou He angry and Liu Tsong bored, a book of apothecary before her. The remaining Elders were mostly impassive, though Guardian Lu – ex-Guardian Lu – waved from his position a short distance from Fa Yuan, his long pipe bobbing in the air.

Wu Ying lips compressed in annoyance, but he waited to see what else the man had to say. Silence lingered between the pair, before finally, a trace of chi flowed to him.

“It’s your time to speak, Ah Ying.” Fa Yuan’s voice came via spirit speak.

Wu Ying nodded, mind spinning through options. He had crafted an introduction before, but with the Guardian’s antagonistic introduction, he found himself altering it on the fly.

“Honored Sect Head. Guardians. Elders of the Sect.” Long Wu Ying projected his voice with a trace of his chi, allowing the wind to carry his voice to everyone. “When I was banished, it was for returning our esteemed Elder Yang and numerous other prodigies of the other sects to their rightful place. In so doing, we did great harm to the dark sect, ending multiple elders and revealing the dark sect’s ties to the demonic realm. Though I regret the loss of my Master, as he would have pointed out to those gathered here, he chose his fate. Just like we all do.”

Another pause, as he saw the Guardian’s eyebrows drew tight. He continued, ignoring the man’s growing irritation. “After I left the sect, I visited many of these sects. Many were grateful for the actions taken, for the return of their prodigies. Many have written to me since my return, the majority are now respected members of their own organisations. Powerful elders who hold places of prestige.

“And yes, I have spent many years outside of the sect. Traveling to neighboring kingdoms and strange lands, seeing the differences between our own state, the families and bureaucracies and sects that make up the Jianghu outside our own land. More than once, I have been invited to join such organisations, but I have always felt there were matters that were left unfinished here.”

Wu Ying turned as he spoke, making sure to meet the gaze of the various Elders. Fa Yuan was not bothering to hide a small smile at his barb and warning, but he was not done, not yet.

“I have gathered numerous plants and herbs from all over the middle kingdom and outside. Many such items I have cultivated further, in locales that are close to the Sect or that are known only to myself. In the meantime, I’ve developed numerous notes on the use of these disparate herbs and the pills that foreign alchemists have utilized. In addition, where possible, I’ve acquired numerous alchemical pills, formula and other concoctions that are favoured in such places for further study.” As he spoke, he made sure to face Elder Ko and Elder Fu librarian of the core works. He could sense the gleam of interest in their eyes even as he added. “Of course, I’ve done the same with cultivation techniques and notes of the same, though most are of the lesser quality. Even so, I’m certain scholars within the sect might be able to tease additional knowledge from their page.”

Wu Ying chose not to speak of spirit cultivation. At first, he had considered doing so but after discussing the matter with his martial sister and Yang Mu had chosen to keep such information aside. Not only was such cultivation techniques considered unusual and likely barbaric by nature of its origin, it was also unlikely to prompt any favourable reaction. After all, spirit cultivation was unique to the north because of the volume of spirits that abounded.

Unlike the middle kingdom itself.

“All this, and much more, I have learnt by traveling, by visiting these foreign and barbaric nations and treating with wandering cultivators, cultivator families, local governments, orthodox and heretical sects and much more.” Wu Ying smiled tightly then, looking around. “At times I have been cheated. At times, my life has been put in danger, for the beliefs instilled in me by my parents and the sect. At times, I have fought for what I believe in. All to return here, to the Verdant Green Waters.

“And return I have. A Core Formation master. Companion to six of the seven winds. A wind body cultivator and one who carries the Heart of the Jian within him.”

He turned, slowly, his gaze sweeping over the surrounding Elders. They watched him with bated breath, for they could sense that he was building towards something. His friends, his enemies, they were mute. Some trusting that he knew what he was about. Others believing that he was about to cast himself from a cliff.

They were not wrong.

“If all this, all that I have done, all that I have learnt, all that I have grown is insufficient in the eyes of those above, then I say this. Test me, test my blade in battle. See how far I’ve come and what I might offer to the Sect. And if I fail, cast me out forever.”


The roar of voices rose like a wave, breaking against the formations that muted the audience. The silencing formation wavered and broke, unable to contain the shouted exclamations, the cheers of support or the curses that spilled forth from the crowd. It broke under their combined weight, even as the trio of Guardians and the Sect Head sat mutely, staring at Wu Ying in silent judgment.

“Balls! The boy has balls. I knew it!” Elder Hsu, the Elder whose love for the grappling arts, roared.

“How dare he!”

“His parents never taught him manners, obviously. Then again, what can you expect from a farmer?”

“Guts though, definitely a lot of guts.”

“Did you hear the part of the Heart of the Sword? His Master and him… do you think he’ll take students, you think?”

“Let me at him. I’ll teach him respect.”

“Those cultivation manuals, they’re probably useless, right? But still, if he has something in the Core Formation stage…”

“Banish him now.”

Wu Ying let the voices wash over him, pass him by like so much wind at the sea. Hot and humid, with but minor impressions and a smattering of spray upon his body before it was gone. Of little consequence as it rolled off him.

He waited, watching the Sect Head, knowing it was his reaction that would dictate matters. Of the Guardians, the East Guardian looked bored, eyes lidded as she relaxed in her chair, one leg draped over the arm and a plateful of grapes being pulled apart. The West Guardian on the other hand glowered at Wu Ying, fists clenching and unclenching as though they wished to grip and knead weapons that were no longer present. But it was Guardian Pang, the Gate Guardian who looked most affronted.

He stood, before Sect Head Yan could speak, his voice booming across the arena and cutting through the hubbub.

“Rude! Insulting! Discourteous! You dog of a man, how dare you speak such words to this gathering. How dare you dictate the terms of this interrogation!” Elder Pang snarled. He gestured to the side, to one of his cronies, a familiar face. “Elder Mo, if you will?”

A few sharp intakes of breaths at the cry. Then, even more as Elder Mo stood up from his seat. He gestured sideways, his way – a simple spear – appearing in his hand. He paused, hesitated and bowed towards the Sect Head’s box. “If the Sect Head will permit this?”

Guardian Pang turned around, putting his hands together in a martial salute and bowing to Yan Shu Ren. He could not, directly, see the man himself but Wu Ying knew his spiritual sense would be more than sufficient for this purpose.

“Allow us to teach this howling cur a lesson.”

All three waited for an answer, a silence growing as the gathered leadership of the Sect waited to hear their leader’s pronouncement.

When he spoke, the Sect Elder’s voice was deeper than his visage would have hinted. Deeper and older, wiser than Wu Ying would have expected.

“Very well. Let us see Cultivator Long’s talent in truth.”

No sooner had he spoken than did Elder Mo leap from his box, spear leading the way.


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