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Looking for feedback on this draft timeline for A Thousand Li, trying to make sure all the books line up with the appropriate age timeline and also that the shorts are in the correct order or so. All feedback is welcomed this is a working draft. 



He was definitely younger than 30 when he reached Core in The Third Kingdom right , since it becomes much harder after that right ? I thought he was exiled around ~25 and advanced to Core after a couple years but this suggests he’s older ?

Gabriel Medeiros

Shouldn't 1000 and 1 fates be concurrent with the first novel?

Gabriel Medeiros

Also very interesting to see which stories pre date and which ones postdate the series

Gabriel Medeiros

I recall a line in villages and illnesses about wu ying and friends visiting another sect. That would likely put it concurrent with 5th book

Gabriel Medeiros

The timeline shows him in the late 20s in the third kingdom. There was a time jump in chapter 3 or 4 of that novel to get him to the late 20s I believe.

Justin Ventura

How long was he cultivating under that hill after his encounter with the... Dragons? That is probably a large part of his 20’s?


Rather than just looking at this from the main protagonist's age, consider the lives of the other characters you have introduced and decide if WY needs to be there for some reason or other.

Tao Wong

It wasn't that long, about a year or two. I have notes somewhere... * mutters*