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In case you missed it, I'm running a Kickstarter for The Nameless Restaurant and it hit stretch goal three last night!

As patrons, you'll already get copies of the book, but there are other backer reward options you might be interested in.

With stretch goal number three, the eBooks and paperbacks will now have professional formatting, including custom heading illustrations of some of the novella's dishes.

Get ready for sketches of golden fried rice, char koey teow, curry laksa and more!

I've also launched stretch goal four: a full interior art piece voted on by backers...

The Kickstarter ends in 5 days, so we only have a short time to reach the goal. 

If you haven't already, I'd be so grateful if you could back the project or share it with your friends.

Check out the Kickstarter now!



I backed you when it first opened, I am really looking forward to this project!