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Apologies. I know I do these post at the start of the month normally but things have gotten away from me this month.

I'm going to keep this super short, since I'll just a proper one next month in a week and a bit.

So, very briefly:

- finished first draft of ATL 9. There's a bunch that I need to write and fix in it, so I expect there's about 20% of the work left to do. It's not as long as ATL8, sitting at 118k right now. After edits and sliding in some scenes, I figure it'll be closer to 125k. Edits will come later though, since I'm setting it aside to 'rest'.

- in the meantime, I'm working on editing the Sundering Blade. I'm already at chapter 5 out of 19, so I expect it'll be done in a week or two. Then that'll get a proper edit, and we'll release it out in August to the Fantasy Action Club. It isn't available anywhere else till next year though so if you want a prequel story about Master Cheng, sign up there! 

- At the same time, I have edits of Climbing the Ranks to finish up, after which I'll work on that for book 2. It's releasing on the regular now, expect it to continue going on for the next little while.

- We're prepping a Kickstarter for my urban fantasy Hidden Dishes novella. I probably will want to write a second novella at some point, but I'll need to find the time.

- I have a short story I'm working on for someone who won it in Dragoncon; that's going slower than expected but my goal is to finish it end of March.

- I've also got two other quiet projects being worked on, we'll see what happens. One is coming along well, but might not get released for a long time. The other needs to be written...

- the epic fantasy I was working on has been sidelined (again!) since I can't write that AND ATL.

- Co-author works are going on, lots of editing to do with those which is sucking up a ton of time.

- Lastly, I went to Superstars which threw my timing off. Met with some old friends, made new ones. Was interesting, but it again put me behind. *sighs* 

And that's all the work stuff. Healthwise, I'm doing better than the last few months, which is great. I was getting really tired of being in pain.


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