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Two weeks and one boat change later, the pair of cultivators landed in the riverside town beside a massive lake. The pair had a pleasant and quiet trip down south other than a single attack by a Core equivalent fish that Wu Ying had, accidentally, angered whilst practicing some blade strikes off the bow of the ship. In the end, they had been forced to slay the slumbering creature and the ship had pulled over for a day to work with the nearby fishermen vessels to debone and harvest the creature.

Wu Ying kept, of course, the core while happily offering the meat to the fishermen that had aided him in the harvest. The bones themselves he had taken into his World Spirit Ring, leaving them to decompose in one of his many compost piles, knowing their presence would aid the development of his herbs.

Outside of that singular attack, the trip had been so quiet that the Captain had made sure to thank the pair of cultivators. Their presence and training had driven any creature that might normally attack such a vessel. Even the less perceptive river bandits had chosen a different target, though Wu Ying was informed that the current numbers of such individuals were low. Something about an altruistic cultivator having passed by a few months ago.

It was with some minor relief that the pair walked the river city. In quiet agreement, they split apart once accommodation was located and greetings to the local lord had been offered. Unlike the smaller town they had visited, the presence of the pair of Core Formation cultivators was only of mild interest to the cadaverous and aged municipal lord.

Whilst Yang Mu retired to her chambers, Wu Ying made his way to the auction house. In short order, he had placed the minor beast stones he had acquired through the trip on sale, along with perusing the full details of their wares. Whilst the auction itself would only be held on the seventh day of the week, the auction house leader was more than happy to allow Wu Ying to browse in hopes of luring him and his coin purse.

Finding only a few minor items of interest, from a spirit level sword and a couple of formation flags and pills, Wu Ying tok his leave not long after, carrying the auction house seal with him as he left. The seal itself would allow him and a guest to bypass the line, a small mark of favour from the auction house itself. Along with the seal, Wu Ying also acquired further details of the power structure in the city, and introductions to the trio of families that ruled over the settlement.

For the next two days, Wu Ying met with, spoke and undertook minor tasks for these families, acquiring a small bounty of herbs, taels and manuscripts in return for his aid. Though Wu Ying sensed the presence of at least two Nascent Soul elders in the city and amongst the families and suspected at least one other, none of the three sought to treat with him.

Instead, they sent the titular family heads to deal with Wu Ying. It was not an unexpected state of affairs, for most Nascent Soul elders spent their time cultivating when they had the option. After all, the amount of chi required to sustain and feed their newborn spirits were significant. Only powerful pills or cores could help shorten such a process.

On the night before the auction, Wu Ying entered the replesendent inn they were residing within, sonly to have Yang Mu greet him as he passed through the inner courtyard towards his room. 

“Mistress Yang,” Wu Ying greeted in return.

“And how goes your ingratiating with the leaders of this city?” Yang Mu said. “Has it bore fruit?”

“Some minor goods and manuals, yes.” He walked over to the table where Yang Mu was seated, eyeing the teaset and the extra cups, two of which had been poured and drunk from. He moved the closer one away from him as he sat. “And yourself? I have not seen much of you since we arrived.”

“It would be easier if you did not wake before dawn each day,” Yang Mu teased.

“A farmer wakes when the work requires it. And the work never ends,” he said.

“No, it doesn’t, does it?” She laughed, gesturing at the teapot. At his nod, she poured him a cup, then picked up the second cup and tossed the tea away before setting it aside on the tea tray for washing later. “But I have been speaking with the factors and merchants my mother has connections with. They offer rumours and dire warnings of the south, complaints about the spoiled spirit stones coming from that locale.”

“Yes. It has distorted the market a little, for those stones not so corrupted.” Recalling, he extracted the auction house seal from his storage ring and placed it on the table. “The auction house master was quite excited about the stones I brought in. Was fishing to see if I was willing to part with anything more potent than an Energy Storage level stone.”

“And did you?”

Wu Ying shook his head. “I might still.” He chuckled softly. “Sadly, one of the aspects of my unusual element is the lack of properly suited cultivation aids.”

“It has left you quite pure though.” The considering look she gave him very frank, almost to the point that the swordsman wanted to shrink away. Only the Madam that ran the army brothel had been more frank in her regard of him.

Which, perhaps, tracked. Both cultivators saw him as merchandise. In their own way.

“I intend to visit the auction tomorrow. And then, I think, we have spent long enough. It is time for us to continue our journey.” Wu Ying said, dismissing the discussion. “Did the rumours you were privy to provide a lead of where we should go?”


Silence after that pronouncement. Rather than push her, he picked up the tea and sipped on it, arcing a single eyebrow. Light and complex, with a slight bitterness of an older tea leaf present. A mixed blend then, with some fruit introduced. Or perhaps just the flower of a fruit.

“Good tea,” Wu Ying complimented her. He was no tea master, would never be. But he could enjoy a good drink when offered to him.

“My contacts did not offer much beyond rumours, as mentioned. But one thread I was able to pick out was that much of the cores were coming from Liang Soong.”

Wu Ying shook his head, not recognizing the name.

“A city further south and west of us. Inland, with no river access. We shall have to cross overland to reach it, though I understand there are a few locations that are safe for us to fly through.” A slight smile on Yang Mu’s face then. “I have taken the initiative to request a copy of a map of these routes. It will be delivered tomorrow morning.”

“Ah…” Wu Ying breathed outwards and found himself smiling. “That will be useful.”

“I thought so.”

And now, that momentary flicker of gratitude disappeared. Finishing his tea, Wu Ying picked up the seal and made it disappear into his storage ring before continuing. “Do you wish to view the auction? If so, we can meet below before we go.”

A small smile from Yang Mu. “No need. My family has a standing invitation and seal from these auction houses. I shall see you there, Cultivator Long.”

“Ah.” He hesitated then offered a long nod. “Of course, Mistress Yang. Till tomorrow then.”

“Till tomorrow.”


The auction was held in a long hall with a single, massive double-doored entrance and a staircase leading towards the second floor. Wooden pillars reached upwards, holding the roof aloft with interlocking joists in the duogong method, with the additional floor built upon these interlocking pillars. Multiple simple benches were arrayed on the lower floor, allowing those who were present a place to rest whilst awaiting the start of the auction itself.

The auction hall itself was filled with dozens of cultivators. Many moved in groups, dressed in similar coloured clothing to display their association with one of the three families that ruled the city or one of the few martial sects within. Unlike his own kingdom, their current one had few cultivation sects, instead leaning towards powerful families supplemented by secondary martial sects that taught a mixture of martial arts and cultivation techniques.

Sweeping his gaze over the group, Wu Ying guessed that two thirds of those present were aligned with one of the families, the remainder a mixture of wandering cultivators or the martial sects. Those from the martial sects were less obvious in their alignment, wearing small discreet badges at most rather than the similar colouring of the families.

More importantly, Wu Ying noted that few within were above Body Cultivation, the Energy Storage cultivators on the lower floor preening like the little lords that they were among this group. Dressed in his simple green robes, his own aura retracted to leak only a small amount of chi, Wu Ying drew few glances from those within as he entered.

However, an attentive attendant spotted Wu Ying immediately, sweeping over to him with a smile on her lips and a sway in her hips from the tight, cloying dress that she wore. Entirely unlike the looser robes, her dress were figure hugging with strategically positioned sashes to pull clothing tigther and a dangerously tall slit up her leg.

“Cultivator Long! Master Woo asked me to watch for you and lead you to the second floor if you chose to attend today,” she said, offering him a wide smile. “If you will follow me.”

“Of course.” Wu Ying ignored the curious looks of the other cultivators, grateful that none chose to block his way or discuss the affront to their dignity his presence might cause. Those kind of tales of arrogant and foolish masters were common enough in the jianghu, though Wu Ying himself had rarely met such fools. After all, one never knew who was a hidden master. “Have we met before? I fear, I do not recall your countenance.”

“No, Cultivator Long, we have not. My master and Cultivator Yang were kind enough to describe you,” the woman looked over her shoulder as she led the way up the staircase. Each step set her hips swaying, drawing the eye of more than one man. A fact that Wu Ying knew she knew, even as he kept his gaze fixed on her laughing eyes till she turned around once more.

Upstairs, there were no benches, instead small tables filled with refreshments and individual chairs. Most were clustered near the edge of the balcony, allowing the seated to view the raised stage at the end of the hall. The chairs themselves were made of rosewood, shined and glossed such that they gleamed as the reflected light from ricepaper windows thrown open glinted off them.

There were significantly fewer cultivators on this level, unlike those below. On the other hand, the quality of those who stood were in direct contrast to their numbers, with the weakest those in the latter half of the Energy Storage stage and the leaders of each house or martial sect in t he Core Formation stage. Even then, Wu Ying noted that there were but nine such figures in the entire room.

A not inconsiderable number for such a city, certainly the majority of those in power. Though the missing municipal lord was worth noting.

More to his surprise, Wu Ying found himself led towards a pair of familiar faces at the right edge of the auction house. Once she had done her job, the attendant excused herself to return to the front of the house, leaving Wu Ying with the pair. Yang Mu finished her murmured conversation with the Auction House Leader, Master Woo, before greeting him, followed soon after by her companion.

“I am surprised to find you here before me, Mistress Yang,” Wu Ying replied after finishing his own greeting. “I had thought you were planning to attend later.”

“I had, but Master Woo mentioned that he was supplying these lovely almond cookies.” Yang Mu lifted the plate that held a trio of the pale brown, tanalisingly aromatic delicacies to Wu Ying. “I would recommend you acquire some before they disappear.”

Wu Ying looked over to where she indicated, chuckling a little as he noted how few there were left in comparison to the other snacks available. Before he could answer, an attendant appeared with a teacup.

“Ah, good. Get Cultivator Long some of our refreshments as well,” Master Woo said firmly to the attendant. Then, glancing at the smiling Yang Mu added. “The almond cookies from Han house in particular.”

“It really is not necessary,” Wu Ying demurred.

“That’s fine. I’ll eat yours,” Yang Mu said, teasingly.

He could not help but roll his eyes, even as Master Woo watched their interactions with interest. When he saw that they were done, he gestured down to the stage and the cultivators who were now taking a seat as the auction master called for order. 

“Thank you again, Cultivator Long, for your additions. I am sure that the younger cultivators will be quite excited over your offerings.”

“No need,” Wu Ying said, waving away the thanks.

“On the topic of offerings, you hinted you might have another…?” Master Woo bobbed his head low. “I only bring it up, so that we are suitably prepared for the second portion of the auction.”

Wu Ying hesitated, once more considering. Before he could choose to answer one way or the other though, Yang Mu spoke up.

“For a Core Formation core, acquatic and water in nature, untainted, would you be willing to allow certain restrictions be put in place?” 

“Cultivator Yang?” Master Woo said. “Ah. Well, it would depend on the restrictions.”

“Cultivator Long has quite the unusual element, as you probably guessed. So he will require unaspected Core Formation pills to aid him. Or cores derived from the wood, fire or wind elements. The last, of course, being the preference,” Yang Mu said. “I believe he also has interested in any Saint-level jian, or materials and use of an enchanter to supplement the expansion of such a weapon.”

“Those…” Master Woo grimaced. “Those are rather restrictive guidelines.”

“Yes. But his needs are rather restrictive, at these levels. After all, he should acquire enough of his other needs from what he has already offered you.” Yang Mu smiled at Wu Ying who looked on, mildly bemused by her taking over the negotiation without asking. “If you aren’t willing to, we can always keep the core for another time.”

“Well…” Master Woo bit his lower lip, eyes narrowing in thought before he gave a firm nod. “It will be as you say. If you could perhaps allow me to view this core, now? And then if you will, I shall inform our premier members of your requirements beforehand. Many might need verify such expense beforehand.”

Wu Ying conjured the core from the fish, handing it over to Master Woo. A discreet motion by the auction master had a pair of Energy Storage cultivators step close to him to guard him as he let his own senses and chi techniques play across the offered core. 

A few more questions were asked and points clarified before Master Woo disappeared down the stairs, having stored the core in a spirit storage item of his own. As he left, he gave orders to attendants who fanned out, speaking with each of the Core Formation cultivators and leaders on the second floor as promised, bringing further attention to the pair as they stood silently regarding the on-going auction below.

Not that any of those on the top floor cared, beyond a cursory regard. Even Wu Ying, with a number of spirit herbs on sale, paid the barest attention to the proceedings. Even together, the entire hall below were no threat to him, unless the trio of cultivators who hid their cultivation levels below chose to act.

And even then… he could escape. Probably.

“Thank you for speaking with Master Woo,” Wu Ying said, after sending the wind down to tease out the secrets of the masters below. “I did not think he’d be so accommodating.”

“The lack of proper, untainted cores has grown worrisome. Whilst formations can be used to cleanse the taint, it reduces the effectiveness of those cores by a third at least.”

“Well, hopefully they do have some items of interest.” He gestured idly, chi strands flicking outwards to grab the chair and pull it close. He sat down, then smiled as the attendant arrived with the plate of snacks. Gripping the plate, he looked around and smiled as Yang Mu plopped a side table beside him. Of course, the moment he put the plate down, she stole a crumbly almond cookie from it. 

“Really?” Wu Ying said.

She just grinned, joining him on the seat not too long after. Supplied with more tea and occasional refreshments, the pair watched the auction below with idle curiosity. Occasionally, some of the other Core Formation cultivators would come over to speak with them as the auction below continued. Little of import were discussed, though Wu Ying had to fend off more than one offer to purchase his Core Formation cultivator directly.

In the meantime, he enjoyed the spectacle of the auction. While the majority of the items being sold were of little interest to him these days, he was watching the drama amongst the other cultivators instead. The tension, the surprise and disappointment as much needed and valued resources were purchased and distributed. The enmity that grew from works bought or sold. 

Of the three who had cloaked themselves, Wu Ying ascertained was no more than a Peak Energy Storage cultivator using an enchantment that hid his aura. Not his scent though, like so many others. Just like the second, in fact.  That one was a Core Formation cultivator who purchased a number of Body Cleansing resources. A man, Wu Ying assumed who had reached a point where Soul Cultivation no longer aided him, and in a desperate bid to continue his journey, was seeking a new method.

Wu Ying wished the man the best, choosing to keep silent of what he learnt after probing the man over. His silence, his act of concealment was to hide his shame rather than anything dastardly. 

Unlike the third.

He, Wu Ying watched, for there was something about the man who sat there, a massive hat over his head, hunched low in the back of the hall and not bidding on any of the items that came up during the first half. Not that he was alone, but none others had hidden their cultivation base as well.

“Problem?” Yang Mu asked, curiously as Wu Ying continued to stare downwards.

“Just a potential troublemaker.” Wu Ying shook his head, noting the auctioneer was calling an end to the first portion of the event. “It’s probably nothing.”

“Very well.” Yang Mu stood and stretched a little, looking down at her teacup and empty plate. “I do hope the next portion is more interesting.”

“I’m sure it will.” In fact, Wu Ying idly noted, the auction hall was now even more crowded. This time, of course, with gawkers rather than actual buyers. For what came next was the supplies for those at a higher stage.


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