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Time for my monthly update, that arrives whenever I actually remember to get to writing it for the month. Been a bit since late September that I did an update, so let's get down to it:

System Apocalypse

Nic confirmed he only has a few hours left to record, so we're hoping we can get everything done by the end of this month. Maybe a little earlier, will depend on timing of his editor too, but we're finally close to the final stretch for System Finale (System Apocalypse 12).

The System Apocalypse Anthology 2 has gone through dev editing and copy editing. It is now with our short story writers who are going through the copy suggestions. Everything is deadlined for Nov 18, after which there's proofing to be done. 

Once that's finished, we'll send it out to the short story writers for final confirmation and then we have to put it all together, format the work and then release it. We're planning a Kickstarter too, to raise more money for the short story authors and get an audiobook.  Expect that sometime this month. 

A Thousand Li

The Third Realm is now fully released for patreon supporters in the unedited form. We have gotten back the proofed copy and sent that off to Travis Baldree for recording, hopefully in the next few months. Again, reminder - I messed up - so we do NOT have a guaranteed slot till August 2023. 

Yes. I know.

The Sundering Blade is currently posting in the patreon. However, expect there to be some significant story changes between the patreon work and final. I only figured out what I was writing by the 80% mark, so.... the usual foreshadowing, some scenes missing and some scenes needing to be massaged has to happen.

If you want the final product, you'll need to sign up to the Action Fantasy Bookclub and get it in August 2023. For free. Or wait till 2024 sometime.

In the meantime, I've started writing / working on A Thousand Li 9, with the first chapter finished. The goal is to have that written in the next 3 months and start the editing/formatting/etc process for a Q3 2023 release.

(If you're wondering why the long gaps, see below or check out previous updates). 

Climbing the Ranks

The serial project I've been working on is finished for book one. That will start releasing in January 2023 for free and continue releasing from them on Starlit Publishing itself. We're working out how to co-ordinate the releases and allow people to read ahead, but the first work is being edited right this moment and we should have it all edited by end of the year. 

Lots to read as we go along there.  

Other Projects

The Hidden Wishes universe side project is done. That should release in April/May 2023. We're just sorting out blurbs, audio and covers. Once that's done, we'll do a cover reveal and all that jazz. It's a fun side project, nothing major but hopefully those who enjoyed that world will enjoy it too. Either way, I had a lot of fun.

My other major side project continues to be written slowly. VERY slowly. Now that I no longer have multiple 'big' side projects, this is the one I want to work on at least till the end of the year. It's more epic fantasy than any of my other works, so I'll be playing with it as I go along. No idea of release date. 

No plans to write more Power, Masks and Capes or Eternal Night works in the short term. Got to finish above side project first and then, move onto Climbing the Ranks book 2.  However... see below about weird stuff.

Co-author projects have slowed down significantly. Many are in holding patterns or just being worked on slowly, so no scheduled release dates for any of those yet.

General Writing Discussion and Other Things

So, a few things. I've been rather ill for the last week or so, so all the great progress (I literally was 50 words from making 80,000 words written in October!) has come to a screeching halt. 


It's fine. I spent some time last week building out my publishing schedule for 2023/2024. That includes the new LitRPG trilogy (no, not mentioned above) that I will be writing in that period as well as the last few books for A Thousand Li to reach the end of the series at book 12. And, of course, the various other side project works that I've written and/or intend to write.

What I have done in the publishing schedule is build out time for additional side writing projects like the epic fantasy and Climbing the Ranks book 2 and the rest, as well as a holiday. A one month holiday.

I might not actually take it, but I won't have anything actually scheduled during that month and it's basically built as 'flex' time so I can be late on projects, etc.

Anyway, along with that and all the writing I've been doing (and not releasing) means I am currently 6-8 months ahead of my release schedule as planned. This leaves time for editing, proofing (generally 2 months) and time for audiobooks to tie up as well. 

It also gives me time to be sick and rest and relax and take side projects. All to avoid burn out. 

I also picked up a new toy (the Remarkable 2) which has been a fun thing to add. I might see about doing some short story / novellete / novella writing with that. I still need my computer for my big series, but for shorter work; this might allow me to poke at more stuff outside of my 'scheduled' work.

And uhh....

That's it on the writing side.

Business side - the indie writing grant I ran last year will not likely happen. After some consideration about what we did, how we did it and seeing a number of other people doing the same thing, and speaking with others; the current decision is to just put the money we would have done for the grant into donations to local food banks.

Otherwise, even with the slowdown in sales towards the end of the year due to lack of releases, we're doing well. We're hunkering down a little just in case for the next few years; so some side projects are being put on hold for the moment.

And that's it... I think. As always, feel free to drop questions.



Tao Wong

The end of December is when they are expected to start being posted.