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Just a quick update for you all. I'm not going to go into too much detail, but as mentioned by Jen, we had a team holiday / retreat in Barcelona just before 20booksto50k Madrid writing conference.

It was a great retreat, met a bunch of people I've corresponded with for ages but never met in person including Sarah my cover designer and Evan my editor. Also a bunch of my co-authors turned up, which was great.

Barcelona was amazing, gave me a bunch of ideas for cities and what not. I do need to play with that, but it's definitely high on the places I'd love to visit again.

The conference was fun, met a bunch of European LitRPG authors which was great and then....

Well. Then I started getting sick on Monday. Now, I've been fighting off a cold for weeks (or a series of colds? Who knows) but by Saturday it was getting bad. Monday however saw me utterly exhausted, which made me glad I was just going to Paris to see family and work....

And then rumors of Covid started sneaking in. Since I was hacking up a storm (fun fact, Covid does NOT produce vibrantly coloured phlegm); I figured I'd just check anyway. And...

Yup. I finally have Covid.

Symptoms are mild(?). The ? is because of course, I could be masking it under the really bad chest infection. Either way, fever, headache and tiredness is the mainstay right now. I'm getting some basic admin done, but actual wording is not really viable. 

I managed like... 200 words yesterday on a side project. *sighs* I don't want to touch ATL unless I'm actually able to do so with some degree of focus, but that does mean no wording for a bit.

HOWEVER, chapters should still keep coming. I am currently on Chapter 18, so I'm well ahead of you guys. It's likely going to be a chonker of a book really, or at least for me. 

Other Updates

SA 12 - still waiting for Nick.

SA:A 2 & 3 - Andrea is scheduled to record this month. Heath is unavailable to do the male voices. We are scrambling for a new male narrator voice. *sighs* 

SA:R 2 - We have edited 60k of book 2, Craig is 90% done with writing draft 1. I'll need to edit the rest too. Hoping for an August release or so

ATL 7 - is on website. Will go out to Amazon & Audible on July 1.


I got Travis to record 'On Cyclopses' Penises and the War of Three Cities'. It's Royalty Share. It's SUPER short so don't use a credit if you buy it. But it amuses me. 


(For audiobook patrons, you will get your codes in a bit as the team gets back)


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