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Yes, yes. I'm procrastinating actually doing more work. Here's a quick update on things.

A Thousand Li

The Third Kingdom (Book 7) has been edited and sent off to the editor on Tuesday, JUST in time. I spent the entire week (including weekends) rushing to get it done. I am now suffering post-book blues and am exhausted. 

So, no writing on book 8. I'm hoping to start on Monday to keep moving forward on it (as mentioned) and thus not end up being too far behind.

I might take a minor break to write a short or two....

Seriously, post book blues is EXHAUSTING.

System Apocalypse

Lots of minor news. Firstly - the second short story anthology has been announced. We're giving people a TON of time to submit to it, though we've already got 2 submissions (that I haven't read, wanting to read it all at the same time or have enough to be able to judge a bunch).

Secondly, we've put together a Kickstarter for the twelfth audiobook of the System Apocalyps. It's mostly a way to get new readers and get a higher % of the income rather than giving it to evil, evil ACX. If you want the audiobook before everyone in Audible does, this is the way to get it.

Lastly, co-author projects...

SA:A3 is nearly done. Around 10k or so left for KT to write. I've started editing it, but there's a lot to edit and I'm a little burnt out so it's going to be a little slower.

SA:R 2 is also closing in on finishing end of this month. Hoping to get all that edited soon when it comes out, I'll probably start editing that after I'm done with SA:A3.

That's about it really for System Apocalypse. 

Side Projects

Still plugging away at Climbing the Ranks. That's my 'fun' project along with a few others. Hopefully at some point, I'll actually write enough on these side projects to have a 'finished' book.

We can hope.

Nothing chosen yet for the main side project, though I'm beginning to seriously lean into the idea of writing the civ builder. It's something that I haven't really seen done, not in the way I'm thinking and certainly not on the scale I'm thinking.

Though... that being said, it's also a series I can see 'ending' in like 5 books. Or even 3. Which is kinda cool. And has the potential for more in the same world and same characters, just, you know, different.

Okay. That's the update. Feel free to drop questions as always.


Han Pol

Well I was lately thinking, that I havn't read a good civ builder or city builder in a while. Be it town founding or on the greater scale. And I think you do good with timeskips and that is something any civ builder needs. Half or more of them get abandoned as somebody gets into needless side projects like personally enchanting the stat boosting rings of his solders or the like. Of course I don't know what you plan for a civ builder but I'm certainly eager to read that.

Tao Wong

Thanks! And yeah, I think the idea I have will work the timeskips that are needed in, especially since I'm thinking on a scale none of the others I've seen have done. Like literal centuries