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Draft 1 is edited, so Draft 2 has been sent to the editors. 

LOTS of mistakes in this one, from forgetting entirely about Ezz at a certain point to switcihng around the Administrator because I forgot one was dead and not... to forgetting a few Skills and just necessary foreshadowing.

Still, it's done. I think I caught everything, hopefully the editor will catch anything else I missed. 

113,473 words including the glossary at the back. So about 107k probably, give or take a thousand or so words when you take that part out.

Still a chunky book by my standards.

Now, to focus on Second Storm. That's already started, and around 10k written. It might be slower with the move, we'll see what happens. Like I worked till 11pm tonight just 'cause I am super busy tomorrow and don't expect I'd get editing done and rather than miss my editing deadline, figured I can just work late.

Anyway.... DONE!


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