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Some basic updates.

The Marketing assistant I hired disappeared. Had personal issues (again); so I'm stuck without one. I still have help but plans for marketing has gone to hell. Funnily enough, some of my advertising tests hadn't worked that well, so I ended up turning them off. We'll see how it all goes, but I just don't have enough time to dig into all that again which is a little frustrating.

I've been working on a few different stories, many of them going out to various anthologies. Some are a little more frustrating than others, since the editors are more picky than my usual ones. We'll see how it goes, I won't announce anything till everything is cleared. There's always a fine line to balance between what is 'right' and what is just 'good enough'. Especially between timelines and various individuals expectations.

I'll let you all know once the contracts are signed and the work accepted where they are for sure. Since they are sold stories, I can't send them to you (until exclusivity ends anyway).  


I'm also planning a move out of Whitehorse. It was meant to happen last year then Covid happened. If all goes well, we'll be gone from Whitehorse by August or September of this year. We're moving to Toronto for more large city life. Hopefully it doesn't disrupt writing too much but we shall see. If it does, you'll be told as early as I can. 

I'm kind of exhausted. 24 hour sunlight up here means I've been trying to adjust sleeping habits which has been having me stay up too late and get up too early. That's on me mostly, but it is tough so editing is slowing down. I'm still working on Forbidden zone, which has to go out to editors end of this month. 

Audiobooks with Nick are dragging on. We're next on the docket but his current project is taking him longer than expected. Hopefully it's ready soon, but it is what it is.


Craig Hamilton who wrote a short story in the anthology has finished book 1 of his series in the System Apocalypse universe detailing the start of the character and his first few weeks at the System advent. I've read it and love it, it's a very well paced work and we've been working on it for a bit. It's nearly done for initial drafting after which it goes to my copy editors and proofers. 

We'll be trying for a simultaneous release for book 1 at least, so we'll see how that plays out. This is still semi-secret, though I'll announce it soon enough in public. Working on a proper cover for now.


You can tell I'm exhausted. I'm just doing stream of thinking writing here... :P

Oh yeah, part of the exhaustion have been the panels, etc I have been doing. Did a podcast with Deathblade (that has been released) a few weeks ago. Then, this week, I did a panel for Dragoncon (recorded, shown during Dragoncon only) and today, I did a business webinar. That'll be available for those who showed up and I think, you can access it to on their site later. Not sure. Worse case, if people want, I took a personal recording I can share here.

It's boring and really, not so useful unless you're a writer / publisher and/or haven't read the marketing / business posts. It's basically a very quick overview. 

Been ages since I did so much talking, so that's drained me quite a bit.


I think that's about it really. Some other business stuff (redoing covers, thinking of a limited or exclusive hardcover edition of the SA books with new covers on the backend, etc.) but we shall see. 

More words, soon.


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