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There seems to be a large number of you guys popping up this month which is really cool.

And the patrons who are still here are just as cool. :)

Yes, I grew up in the 90's. Everything is cool.

Or shiny. 

Anyway, since we're saying hi, Ask Me Anything!

PS: Quick update. First draft is DONE for ATL. I have to edit and I'll start on Monday. Working on finishing AoB 7 now (sooo close) and then the March short story.

After which I will tackle the next random project as well as (after ATL first draft edit is done); System Apocalypse 11.

I might write 12 right after, not sure. Depends if I get sick of SA or raring to go....



How much planning do you do before start writing a book? Series?

Tao Wong

Really varies, but mostly I'm a discovery writer. I often know the ending, I know the start. And everything else sort of fits in. Sometimes I have scenes in my head that float around, sometimes a rough outline. Sometimes nothing at all beyond a concept that I want to explore.


It's seem like you write a lot, fast. Do you think discovering the story along with the characters is part of that? Or is it something else?


When/how did you start using speech-to-text? Is what we read literally a stream of consciousness or have you done some level of editing?

Tao Wong

Most of my writing is stream of conciousness. I had/have to switch to dictating due to tendinitis. So when my hands hurt too much, I switch over to dictating to relieve the pain. It's partly why I end up at 2-3k a day. More than that and my hands start aching.


Glad to hear dictation gives you some level of work around. Writing as a stream of consciousness seems fascinating.