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So, I've been thinking about my writing schedules and how I want to handle my writing going forward. I think, partly for my sanity and partly to appease the inner demons, I'm switching things up slightly.

Monday to Thursday - I write on my main series. Which is generally either A Thousand Li or System Apocalypse.

Friday - I work on a secondary project. Right now, that's editing the co-authored work so that we can get it done. I got 5 chapters done today (out of 52!) so, that's likely going to take a bit. I'll probably tackle more of it during the weekends too.

In the future though, I want to do things like that vampire MMORPG idea I have and the reverse isekai superhero story.

Saturday & Sunday - no real plans for work, I'll vary that but probably more main project normally. Right now though, I got to catch up on the co-author work, so that's on the high list. Though it'll likely also be editing days for the main work too (so that they're clean enough for you guys to read)

It shouldn't affect you guys very much, I can easily do 2 chapters a week (generally). But this way I can explore new ideas without slowing down the main series.

My only thought is how I want to deal with posting that stuff. Since I'm only working on it one day a week, there's no guarantee I'll finish a chapter or short... which means posting is going to be all kinds of weird and off-schedule. Easiest option is not to post it at al till the entire work is done (1st draft).



Cameron C

However you feel you get the most benefit of your time. I think splitting between projects has helped your ability to create good content for all of them, so long as that doesn’t change, makes sense to me