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Hi everyone;

Sorry - Dragoncon was busier than expected. I'm still in the midst of catch-up on work, but I'll get you guys a chapter ASAP. 

Met a ton of great authors, a few fans and messed up getting books to 2 people (one was NOT my fault since stupid Amazon did not send the books they were meant to).

Anyway, lots of good things. Some new thoughts and considerations. I have plans, some of it coming from talking to James Hunter & Dakota more, some from speaking with Michael Chatfield. One of the major things, I'll hopefully be able to do, is get someone hired to take over mundane tasks like posting the chapters (not updates) so that they work and are more regular. Heck, there might even be a schedule....

Okay. Going to figure out how to post chapter now. I'll be done traveling end of this week, so next Monday, it's back to the word mines.

PS: I might end up writing a short story because I desperately want to have a cover art using chibi art. So... yeah. That might happen. I'm still searching for inspiration, but that's where it stands.


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