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So, I mentioned I did this when I had no access to the Internet and felt like writing something. It was tossed together and mostly written for fun. So... here's the prologue.



“Thank you, Hero.”

“Thank you.”

“We could never have done it without you.”

“The Demon Lord will not return for at least a millenia. Who could have thought that was possible!”

“You watch your back when you get home,” the muscular, one-eyed man slapped the Hero on the shoulder. Barely over five feet eight, the black haired twenty nine year old flashed his friend a smile. He was dressed in ill-fitting clothes, the t-shirt and jeans that he had worn when he arrived barely able to fit his now muscular body. Around his waist was a simple swordbelt and the legendary weapon he had wielded through the decade of war.

“No need to. I’m going home. No monsters, no demons, not even that many bad guys,” the Hero said. 

“You won’t forget us, will you?” A soft voice, gentle spoke up next. One hand still clutched his arm against a voluptuous chest. The Hero’s eyes, full of excitement and confidence dimmed a little as he stared at his friend, his lover, his shieldmate for so many years.

“Never. I would stay, if I could…” the Hero said.

“But as the Demon Lord has been banished, demonic Mana is leaving. The presence of the Hero will destroy the balance, opening the seal again,” an older man said, his hand on the cane that he used to walk around. A crown, simple in design with only a single stone in it sat upon his head. “You know that, daughter.”

“I know,” she sniffed.

“Now, remember. You’ll not lose your Status and Levels when you return, but the Mana level on Earth is abysmal. You will not be able to regenerate your Mana quickly, so be careful about how you spend it,” the king said. “Also, because we took you from Earth when you were nineteen, the spell will revert your age to it too.”

“I remember,” the Hero said. He looked around, trying to recall if there was anyone else he needed to say goodbye to. Realising there was not, he drew a deep breath. Before he could speak, his face was yanked down and a kiss planted on it by the princess, one that was deep and long. When she finally released him, the pair were flushed red.

“Ahem. If you’re ready then…” the king clapped his hands and the court mages triggered the beginning of the ritual. The group stepped away from the ritual ring, leaving the Hero standing in the ring alone, looking at his friends, his new family, his shieldmates. 

On sudden impulse, the Hero reached for the buckle by his side, removing the sword – Heaven Breaker – and sword belt by his side before he tossed it out to the one-eyed man. “Use it well and remember me!”

“We will!”

“I love you!”

“Thank you again, Hero!”

White light filled the hall, so bright that none could look into the circle. When the light died away, the Hero was gone, leaving an emptiness in the room and the hearts of those gathered. 

“Well, that is it…” The king sighed, staring at the empty space. “I hope he does well at home…”

“Ummm…” The voice was extremely hesitant as it spoke up, coming from the leading court mage.

“What?” the king said.

“When the Hero threw his sword out. He disrupted the ritual,” the court mage said, his face twisted.

“What do you mean?” the king’s voice rose. “Do you mean he died?”

“No, no. He’s fine. The containment portion of the spell was not damaged. But, we formed the spell with a specific amount of Mana weighed. When he threw Heaven Breaker out, he threw our calculations off,” the court mage quickly reassured the king whose face was slowly blackening.

“Speak plainly!” the one eyed man snarled, grabbing the court mage. “You damn Mages never say what you are thinking.”

“We sent him too far!” the court mage blathered out.




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