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Not a huge amount to update. I fell ill this week and still have a linger cough from the flu. Which was all kinds of fun on Tuesday when I released the book.

Anyway, whining aside, I started editing Stars Awoken on Wednesday (I got like 1,000 words written on Tuesday and that was it. Yay launch day and old business stuff lingering around). 

I'm currently on chapter 7. Thus far, I've added about 1,500 words to the manuscript from fleshing out some descriptions, adding a few new paragraphs and an entirely new scene in the library.

I've got to finish all edits by 4/17 which should be fine. If I wasn't so sick, I'd say I'd get it done by next Friday but I'm not sure how that'll fare. In the meantime, Thousand Li book 2 sits at about 11k in. 

I'm debating posting chapter 1 up. It's not where I think it should be, but I can't really stop and relook at it, so it might be a really rough draft. The bones are there, it's just some of the flow issues. Anyway, if I do post it, it'll be mid next week I think.

In the meantime, there's not going to be a lot of updates since I'm just editing.  

Any non-writing related things people want to see in-between? 


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