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Blarg. Sick again. Been running a cold for the last few weeks that fades away before either coming back (or more likely) being replaced by another cold. Nothing too serious, just a constant cold.

Whenever I get a cold like this, my motivation and ability to write drops to 0. I end up churning out maybe a 1,000 words in a day, which really kills my productivity. Of course, the last few weeks have been bad too because the wife has been really busy, working late and I'm stuck dealing with the kid full-time. He's at an age where he wants a ton of time and I'm trying to keep him off screen time.

Which makes me guilty since I spend all my time on the computer... 

Anyway, 75k words on the new cultivation novel. Which I have yet to name. *Sighs* It's at the final 'end', figure it'll be around 80k. I have to go in and do edits too though, though overall I'm pretty happy with the flow so the edits will be mostly line edits and maybe a bit more description on areas.

I do want to add a Glossary and List of Characters though this time around I think, just so that there's an easy to use reference for people at the back. Depending on how things work, might end up delaying editing. We'll see.


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