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So. I did the stupid thing I tell other people not to do - I went and read my Amazon reviews for book 6.

I knew the jump was going to be contentious.

I knew him breaking up with Lana was going to annoy some people.

I also knew him getting together with Roxley was going to be an issue. 

And yeah, killing off Ingrid was always going to be contentious. 

So... I was curious to read the reviews. And, obviously, the highest rated negative comment - 'MC is gay'.


1) Bisexual. Not gay. 

2) We're 6 books in. It's been obvious he and Roxley have a thing. Is is THAT surprising?

On another note, I was surprised (somewhat) that people grumbled about the politics. I guess I can see that, and that the general public aren't hugely interested in a book dealing with the politics if they just want, smash bash.

At least that, I can understand and I don't mind. In fact, in some ways, I wonder if it's a criticism of my writing skills. God knows, I've seen good writers make politics interesting.

Ah well. Whining over. Appeal out:

- if you like the books, do please review it if you haven't. I don't know if Amazon will strip your review (because you're patrons), but I'd be grateful if you tried anyway.


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