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Been a crazy few weeks. After getting back from the holiday, I've been working on getting the Party's Bond written while waiting for the proofread copy of World's Unbound. I intend to throw up a preorder next week for it to release Jan 1 once the initial proofread comes back.

However, getting work done has been somewhat distracting. There's a ton of great books out right now, many of whom I want to read (like, have you seen the cover of Deck of Souls by Bonnie Price? AMAZING!).  But, work.

Specifically, my business. I'm in the process of shutting it down and the process is taking up more time than I expected. It didn't help that Amazon screwed with our selling account and blocked it for 2 months because they refused to actually read the documentation we provided. *Sighs* I kind of feel for MSE and the other authors who got kicked out. While some of them might have been gaming the system, Amazon also does a LOT of false positives and has a serious lack of care of fixing it.

That's a long way of saying, there might be a delay in book 7 of System Apocalypse as most of December & January might be devoted to my other business.


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