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So, since I sent out (put out) the non-proofread version for you guys, do you still want the PDF of the proofread version? If so, let me know and I'll put it up here. 

On another note, I've had some people ask about signed copies.

Is this a perk that people want / are interested in? Or worth setting up? 

Realise that because I live in the Yukon Territory in Canada, shipping is EXPENSIVE. I'm talking minimum CAD$20-30 to the US just for shipping, not including the books. Or my cost of getting the books up here. So, this is not going to be a cheap perk / shipping option. 

EDIT: Added the PDF for people to download. Please don't push this around obviously



i did a proof read for jonathan books and he sent me a copy of his book it cost him 30 dollars to send to the uk. i'd say dont do this we are patreons to support you this will kill your income man


Just the proofread copy please!

Cameron C

The only way it *might* be worth to do signed copies is if you did it prior to going to a conference in the US. Many places will let you ship to the venue,so you could order books for signing at the event, then send off the extra stock from the states at a lower price point. I would do a poll / ask people who would be interested, determine the price, then offer them at that amount. It’s a lot of extra work though, so it probably is not something to do unless you have a large audience interested.