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So, that's it. I initially planned to write the entrance to Artos, the exploration of the dungeon but I realised that it just didn't fit at the end of this book. It would feel a bit lumped on, so I decided to cut it and add that for the next book.

The good news for those in favor of this series is that I now have a pretty good direction for book 5 of the AoB series. 

Feel free to discuss your thoughts on the series and book below.


Other things that changed while writing:

- the introduction of new team members. Writing the arena fight scenes, imagining how the team handles those, how the arena owners would structure them, I realised that Daniel & Co desperately needed more friends. As a team, they're quite imbalanced.

- the emphasis on Daniel's Gift and healing. That seemed to have emerged as a much stronger theme as I wrote. I'll need to relook at the first few chapters on the edit to see if it's too much.

- the ending. The ending was very different from the one I had in my mind. Initially, when I plotted it, I had meant for Daniel to join the other team. Thus the long descriptions, but then I realised, wait. No Guild is going to let spaces available go. And so, I ended up writing more....

and this came out. I think to some extent it is a bit Deus Ex, it's certainly the most Deus Ex book I've written. But it (like Book 5 of the System) stems from themes that have played through the books. So... yeah. Hopefully you guys will let me know what you think.

Reminder - preview chapters are all 1st draft. They haven't been edited and often I add foreshadowing scenes for themes and events that crop-up on the edit and also fix word overuse, phrasing, etc. 

Book is likely released October 1. 


Robert Rosenthal

I liked it, but as you noted the ending seemed a it neat it feels like the first part of a bigger story but since the series continues that alright. I think its shorter than the other books but if you release books 4-6 it will probably fit well

Cameron C

I liked the pacing of this book, and a lot happened. My only criticism is that the ending is very abrupt. Is the next book picking up exactly where this one leaves off? I also think there should be a point (forgive me if I missed it) where there is an idea floated to add members to their group. That idea is agreed upon (and fulfilled) a bit quicker than I would expect, it added to the abruptness. Just a thought.

Tao Wong

It's actually just about the same size. Book 1 was about 39k, book 2 around 44k and book 3 ended up being about 50k if I recall. This came in at 40k. 41 after edits and adding a few things I missed

Tao Wong

There isn't any talk of adding to their group. The problem with pantsing is that themes crop up later I find, and then you need to go back and foreshadow on the edits (which is what I'm doing now). But thanks for pointing that one out. I should add that scene too! And thanks!

Cameron C

No problem, I do enjoy the Brad series a lot. As much as system apocalypse is my fav, this book really solidified the brad world in a way that I’m super looking forward to developing. :)