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Hey everyone!

Hope you're well. I know things are a little slow right now but I'll be moving on to colouring pages this week. All the comic campaign assets will be done this month (cover, logo, half a dozen colour pages etc) and March will be all about videos and animation once again!

ALSO - I promise to LIVESTREAM some of the comic art this week.

Happy Valentine's Day for tomorrow! We'll talk again soon :)




Gregor Scott

Dude this art is awesome, I'm super excited to see these coloured in!

Joel Mayer

Awesome! Love these inks, it's almost a shame it gets coloured :) I've been back into comics recently as well and I must admit, I find it very very enjoyable. Granted, i just make 4-Panel Strips but it means that after a day's work I have actually FINISHED something to put out. Would be curious to hear how the experience has been for you compared to animation, pros and cons, etc. :) Maybe a topic for a livestream or whatever ;) Great stuff, hang in there!


What an epic shot! Don't remember ever seeing killgar underchin 😁


holy fuck, i would have happily read it if it was at the quality of the animations, this looks insane!


Yeah...I could have saved myself a lot of time and effort there. I dunno but whenever I pick up a Rick and Morty or Simpsons comic and it looks like stills from the show it does seem like a missed opportunity.


It is definitely a new experience I can talk about! And I know what you mean about colouring...my hopes is that complex inking will lessen the need for a really detailed colouring job, maybe something simple with lots of flats.

Trevor Bond

Man, this reminds me of some shots from the old Valerian comics!


how did you do that inking.

Trevor Bond

I recommend them, they are from the 'everything is possible and people have wild imaginations' era of french comics. Just save yourself the headaches and skip the recent movie.




Your art is incredible, Boss. A real inspiration.


Freckin Badass!