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Animation man finish animation soon. 





Can't wait - and intrigued by the mixed media angle of this one!


Woooo! Hype hype hype!


I love it this well be great


Have you considered an internship program? It could help you out with some of the drudgery and it gives newercomers a chance to get their feet wet. Wouldn't the worst-case-scenario be that the work is unusable and then your back to where you started anyway? I know the territory comes with an added layer of management itself but it might be worth looking into. Just a thought.

Trevor Bond

Real life takes priority! And hey... you and your lovely lady enjoy her birthday, okay?


Can't wait! I think we all know to take your release estimates with a pinch of salt by now, Harry! :laugh: Keep on keeping on!


Yes - I'm not sure what people will make of it.... But back to hand-drawn right after. Thank you Harry :)


I have had several interns before, but I also pay them - so its not too different to having an employee. I could explore unpaid internships in the future, but not sure how I feel about it. Thanks for the suggestion and support, Justin :)


A dead sea of salt ought to do it! Also - thank you for still supporting me Paul! Bless you.

William Burns

Hope you had a great day on your wife's birthday!


All I have to say is thank you for helping me discover your dads band XTC I'm a huge fan now and your sister's music is so great.


Thanks John! I love her music too. She is so shy and SILLY about it being online - I know, I tell her off for it.


I think her only songs I can find online now are Bandcamps five songs called Heartworks and they are really good songs. Every time I look for more songs I just find unusable links. I wish she would repost some of her songs again. Her song Darwin is my favorite. Dear Hillary is also great. Oh yea I can't wait for this cartoon. A Resident Evil type cartoon is going to be awesome.


THANK YOU! Her new songs are really good. Good luck on your new animation.