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Hi All,

While my old PC is still running on safe mode, I've been able to undertake a huge writing project and nearly complete a 110 page screenplay that I've had unfinished for far too long. And yes, it's something I intend to get made somehow, some way, in the future. 

The new SUPER COMPUTER 5000 arrives on the 23rd, so work on the final Dr. Bees scene will resume then, as well as livestreams etc.  In the meantime, here's a sketch I drew just before the PC fried, showing a possible/potential/maybe Dogtooth costume reworking.

- Harry




That's so cool to hear, Harry! Best of luck with your script!


110 pages?!


That's average for a 90-110 minute movie. Screenplays roughly translate to a page a minute :)


Hey, that's cool and the costume looks nice, especially featuring his logo now (it didn't before, right?) I cant tell if it's easier to draw, because if I remember correctly his costume took a lot of lines... anyways hope to see you again soon 🙂


Thanks, Max! Yes, I think I'll keep the logo but maybe not go so black and do something *slightly* more colourful. Either way, it'll be a bugger to draw :)


It's just a little concerning because something that long will take forever to make


Well... it's all a question of how many assistants can be made to draw inbetweens (or basically, how much cash can harry shovel into the oven to make it run faster) and how many inbetweens harry would actually leave to the assistants and wouldn't want to draw himself.

Jacob Tucker

If you're making a full screenplay, I wonder if you'll end up seeking funding to get it made.


Thanks Max, yeah I'll share more on that stuff in the future. Will prioritise finishing some shorter projects once the PC is up and running.

Trevor Bond

An amusingly more conspicuous costume than his initial one lol!


The PC should arrived today so I hope it's cool !!