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The least I can do is let you know it's still coming despite delays - and it'll be good too!

Thank you all so much for your patience and support. 

- Harry


Another Dr Bees Update Video



All of what you've shared with us so far has looked really good. I'm super excited for this cartoon and I love getting all these behind-the-scenes clips. I definitely feel like I'm getting my money's worth :)


the most important thing is to remind people that you are working on something, absence of updates ends interest


GREAT SCOTT,it's Gregor?!

Trevor Bond

I'd rather hear 'I have made x amount of progress' or 'I had a rough week, here's what happened' even, than hear someone set an unreasonable deadline for themselves! Just let us know you're alright and slogging away. Animation IS the slowest way to tell a story, but often the best. Personally, I'd much rather give my money to someone who says 'I will make this excellent' than someone who says 'I will make this quickly'.

Lucky Knight

Love you man. Doing great work. 100% Lucky Knight approved :)


Thanks Trevor. I know this was a few days ago but I wanted to reply anyway... I WILL make this excellent :)