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YES! I said the animation for the Dogtooth cartoon would be done in February. I suck. 

This is a video showing the workflow from rough frames all the way to finished, shaded animation. 

It's a bit sleepy and dull. I can edit it tighter and maybe have an extra cup of coffee before doing the next one so I don't sound SO TIRED, but this is a format that I think (with a bit more editing, graphics, energy etc) could make for fun behind the scenes content. Please tell me what it needs to improve if you have some other ideas to the ones I've listed :)



Dogtooth Shot Progression

Music by Ockeroid https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCO8MNRJMTN3PJqNDHLqz2ww



You might not believe it but you are my source of inspiration. It´s not about doing things in a rush but putting your heart into it and giving your best even on the smallest details. This is a life lesson. Bravo!

Trevor Bond

The amount of work you show yourself going to to get one simple motion down pat is explanation enough for the slight delays lol! Just keep making it gorgeous, Harry! And updating us from time to time. Honestly this format looks pretty good for these videos, you explain a lot and show your work without going through ALL the more tedious bits too much, I'm cool with that!

Lucky Knight

Well done. Great update. Thank you and keep up the good work :)