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It happened. We're in December, and I'm still working on the Trilby Dogtooth cartoon that's eaten up my entire 2019, but it is SUUUPER close to being finished. I met the Starbarians composer Brian Sadler this week to show him what we have so far, and am excited to say he is going to be involved on "Dogtooth" as well, composing new music. I believe this cartoon is going to look and sound better than anything I've ever done (hopefully justifying some speedier, more basic cartoons in 2020).

That said, I am putting aside early December to finish Killgar's Kode Episode 2 for a Dec 12th (or thereabouts) release. I expect this to have a very fast turnaround time as so many of the assets can be reused from Episode 1, and it's my intention to be back on Dogtooth and have at least a rough cut finished and ready for viewing (exclusively for patrons) by christmas. Joyce is also heading home to her family for the holidays meaning I'll have the slate absolutely clear to crank out the few remaining shots on it. Speak soon!




Oooooo nice! Any hint of what episode 2 is going to be over?


I wanted it to be inspired by the time of year, but not in any way a Christmas episode. So it's linked to that :)


Sweet. Thanks for the update. Killgar's Kode is a great idea and I'm looking forward to seeing more Killgar!

Jacob Tucker

Looking forward to both. Hope they go exceptionally well. =)


Thanks Eydi. It's not the most exciting news I feel, as Killgar's Kode is visually not as interesting as a new full episode, but this will be easy enough to produce as to not distract too much from the other things I'm doing. Thanks for your support :)

Gregor Scott

Excited to hear that Brian will be composing for Dogtooth! And while I didn't expect a new episode of Killgar's Kode so soon I'm excited for it for sure


Cool. Looking forward! So it will be your hardest december ever! ;-)


Thank you for the heads up, Harry! I can't wait for both Dogtooth and Killgar Kode Ep 2!

Juliet Belcouleur

Take all the time you need if necessary, love what you're doing.

Trevor Bond

Brian Sadler's on for Trilby?! That's one thing off my christmas wish list! AND a new Kilgar's Kode? Dear Santa Partridge, you spoil us....


Ehh...it's not exciting really. I know the Youtube comments will rake me over the coals a bit for not producing episode 4 yet and doing more spin-off stuff, but if I can really crank out KK2 in 10 days, it bodes very well for finishing Episode 4 in early 2020!


Thank you, Jashin! I really hope Dogtooth smoothes over the cracks and shows people why I've not been as active this year as I had hoped. Can't wait for it to be released.


You're too kind, Trevor. I've put out a grand title of 2 videos since January...you are definitely not getting spoiled. Thanks for the consistent support :)

Trevor Bond

Yeeees..... but you've also put up interesting technical works, explanations, and some nice answer the fans bits! Well worth the price of admission (which, regrettably, remains minimal)


OOOOhhhh, this is tomorrow. Can't wait.