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Hey guys,

Been a while since you've heard from me. Sorry I've not been more of a regular pest on here. I just got back from a week in Los Angeles (mostly pleasure but SOME work). Got to see the Walt Disney studio and took a VIP tour around Walt's office.

Back at home working on Trilby Dogtooth Vs. The Snapperchap and seeing if this animation can be finished for Halloween. Promise you'll hear from me again soon.




Walker James Doran

Nice look like you had a great time all work and no play make Harry a dull boy

butt sects

Hollywood sukz. Checkout Bollywood.


Hope you had fun!

Trevor Bond

Looks like a good time was had, although if you're gonna try to pull a Gaston you're going to need bigger gloves! lol! Welcome back.

Jacob Tucker

Nobody animates boobs and monsters like Gaston! Also, is that Joyce in the first picture with you?